It's Our Turn

Dear WHS friends,

Desperate times call for desperate measures. :)

It is with great difficulty I am typing this right now, having very foolishly attempted to show off a little on my bike and came to a sudden crashing and completely unwanted encounter with our gravel laneway. The result (besides my utter and complete humiliation) was a broken rearview mirror, a banged up knee, bruised chin, a few scrapes, and -worst of all - a hairline fracture of my left wrist. Being left handed, that little bit of a fracture which barely showed up on the xrays is posing the biggest problem. Especially since the splint they put on it causes my thumb to hit the space bar all the time when I'm trying to type. Arghhh. But enough about me.

Belinda is still under the weather too. The adventure with her health that began on Friday night with a trip to the hospital and which was chronicled here rather humorously yesterday, is not yet over. Please join me in praying for a quick diagnosis and speedy resolve as she goes to see her doctor today. Write! Canada is coming up this weekend (she is writing one of the speeches for the awards gala on Wed. night) and far more importantly, she has a trip to England booked for the following week to visit her Mum. Not to mention the fact that she is still in considerable discomfort (which she has not mentioned to me, but I am sure must be the case.)

God has an amazing plan for this week and no doubt we will all get to share in it via her blog postings as she is able... but in the meantime, part of his plan is that we all hold her up in prayer.

As is so often the case, The Daily Light, Belinda's favourite devotional, will no doubt have been a comfort yesterday (Sunday). The morning portion talks about our sharing in his sufferings (and being able then to share more ably in the comforting of others.) The evening portion talks not only about not worrying about the future and putting our cares into His able hands, but ends with one of her very favourite verses....

"...let us run with endurance the race set before us." Heb. 12:1

And now, dear readers, I think I have written quite enough. Now I am turning it over to you. I'm looking forward to reading your comments to Belinda as we all join in encouraging her and lifting her up before the throne of grace...


Thank you Susan for letting us know about Belinda - and sorry to hear about your fall. Yikes bikes. I know that I will be only one of many voices in God's ear today as we all pray for Belinda. I hope she feels surrounded by our love and uplifted by our prayers.
Brenda said…
Dear Belinda,
Now the tables have turned. You have been such a comfort and encouragement to me in the past. I always think of you as such a strong person......because you are so rooted and grounded in Christ and you seem to be able to juggle so many responsibilities with such ease. I will be praying for earnest...and asking the Father to give you His peace, strength and comfort during this trial. I know you will 'come forth as gold'.
Much love,
Brenda said…
Dear Susan,
"Slow me down, Lord....."
Marilyn said…
Thank you, Susan, for posting this. Praying.

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