Confident Helplessness

Romans 4:20 (King James Version)
20He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God;

Hebrews 11:12 (New International Version)
12And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.

Utter helplessness will drive you to your knees.

A burden weighed heavy, an overwhelming situation--just too big to strategize a solution to.

As we prayed I felt my eyes taken off ourselves and placed upon God. I thought of a verse I have always loved about Abraham. Although I cut my teeth on it, I don't read the King James Version of the bible anymore, but this is one verse that the modern language versions don't quite capture in the same way--Romans 4:12 says of Abraham, "He staggered not..."

I just love those three words--"He staggered not."

The Bible is a book full of humanly hopeless situations and the odds are always so far against a positive outcome that it is almost laughable--in fact laughter was recorded as a response more than once. The more I think about it--God showed up all the time in humanly impossible situations--which was a great encouragement as I thought of the one we were praying about.

Who but God would choose a couple of very senior citizens--"as good as dead," the Bible says-- to launch a nation.In fact, the impossibility of a given situation should be strangely comforting--it is just such a situation that is ripe for God.

Yes, God--my God--who plants a nation in the womb of an elderly woman--or a Saviour in the womb of a virgin--I see your invitation in impossible situations.

You say, "Trust me and see..."

And I do--for I know you.

(From the Archives. First published: July 18th 2007)


Deidra said…
My goodness! So well said. Have you been reading my journal? Last weekend I found myself facing the impossible. And yes, it drove me to my knees where I began in defiance and ended in submission, knowing but not seeing that God would cover me. He is so faithful. Cover me He did, and poured out blessings too bountiful for me to receive. I am overwhelmed!
Belinda said…
Oh, Deidra, Praise the Lord, and thank you for sharing this confirmation that God never fails us in our hour of dire need. His answers aren't always what we hope for but he never fails.
Brave Raven said…
I have so many things in my life that are "ripe for God" right now. Beautiful interpretation of that passage and such an encouragement. I will try to be one that "staggers not." Thanks!!

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