Dear Friends,
It is rare that I am just too tired to write, but this is one of them. I will be back tomorrow, God willing. Happy Sabbath. Be blessed and refreshed.


Olson Family said…
Oh Belinda! God has been confronting my sins of not following through and lack of commitment for the last few months... Your transparency, "...too tired to write, but this is one of them" is a profound blessing! Your simple post demonstrates grace that it's okay to show up and be honest; to have the integrity to show up and in all my humanity, say 'this is where I'm at.' How often I "duck out" of a responsibility in order to avoid having to be transparent and honest! Thank you for being an example of obedience. That it's in the SHOWING UP and being real that matters. That we're not called to be all things to all people... that that is God's job. You wrote, "Be blessed and refreshed." Thank you. I am blessed and refreshed.
There are times I have to remind myself to just .... breathe .... so sit back, relax and just breathe
Belinda said…
Hugs to you both. Thank you. Who knew that God would use my "nothingness" to bless. That is just like him and your hearts bless me.

I had 9 hours sleep. Sweet bliss. Today is Sunday. Yeay.
Julie said…
Rains of refreshing are pouring down on you and the lawns today.

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