News From Alvechurch

Monday evening, March 9, 8:00 p.m.

I couldn't stand it anymore! I've had dozens of requests for news of how things were going in England. I finally broke down after work today and called Paul, at home here in Bond Head, for an update. I knew he would have talked to Belinda since her arrival in England. It was too late at 6 o'clock for me to call Belinda in England as it would be past 11:00 over there.

But Paul gave me the happy news that the time difference would be only four hours, not five, for a few weeks and that if I called right away, I would probably be able to reach her before everything and everyone was battened down for the night.

So call I did. It was wonderful to hear Belinda's voice at the other end of the phone. Half a world away and she sounded like she was in the next room. (Sorry, but I still can't get over the miracle of transatlantic phone calls!) It was even more wonderful to hear that Mum started to do better immediately upon Belinda's and Brenda's arrival on Friday. She is eating a little more every day and brightening up and talking more. Belinda said to thank everyone for their prayers!

Peter's passport came and he arrived there this morning about 10:00. This afternoon Brenda and Peter went out for a walk around Alvechurch while Belinda stayed with Mum. Then they all had fish'n'chips together before Peter went upstairs for a visit with Robert and his boys, John and Tim, and where Peter will be spending the night. Mum had a few chips with the rest of the family.

Belinda said she prayed with Mum both last night and tonight before she went to sleep and that it was a great blessing for both mother and daughter. I'm sure she will be writing about that and much more in the coming days. Belinda says she's keeping a journal... so stay tuned!

I'm not sure when Belinda will be able to get out and to an internet cafe to send us news herself, but that, as it should be, is not her first priority right now. But I think there's a good chance we'll hear from her later this week with another chapter of The Alvechurch Chronicles.

Once again, thankyou everyone for your prayers. And Belinda, God bless you and your family over there! What good news that your mum brightened up at your arrival!


Susan, thanks for the update, I have wondered many times how things were going over there, it's good to know that Belinda and her family are all there, gathered together with her Mother. I hope Belinda feels our love bobbling along in the stream of our prayers.
Anonymous said…
THANKS, Susan!
Joyful Fox said…
Oh blessings Susan for following your hunches. I've been regularly checking 'whateverhesays' in hopes for news from Belinda and her dear Mum. Fearing the worst, and praying too with much hope and expectancy.

This is such good news. More than I could've hoped for. I will rejoice with Belinda and all those who love them.

Thanks for the up-date. Blessings on you, Susan.

Love you bunches,

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