The Lord's Prayer according to me

This is a version of the Lord's prayer that I wrote for a reflection session at our church in May of 2007. It was subsequently published in the church newsletter. It was a very helpful exercise for me, and others, to put my own words and thoughts into the structure of the Lord's Prayer. I could have edited it and made it shorter, but somehow it seems appropriate to share it as I wrote it then. I suggest it as an exercise for you, especially in this season of Lent.

The Lord's Prayer According to Meg

Our Father, who art in Heaven....

Daddy God, my heavenly father, shared with all who live, creator of the universe, father of all, who dwells on high in heaven, as well as in my heart, who dwells in me and in the hearts of all who seek you, who want to be with you now and in heaven,

Hallowed be your name.....

You are holy to me...I call your name holy to all...may I always do so...may I always keep your name holy...may I always call others to do so too...may I see your name hallowed in all the earth, as the day of your coming approaches....

Your kingdom come....

I long to see your kingdom come here on earth...may all that you are and all that you give me and all that comes from you and all that you want to see happen...may it come to pass in every way and place and time...especially in my life, my heart, my home, my relationships, my town, my province, my country....

Your will be done....

I want to do your will...I want to see others do your, and every day...from now on...not my will, but your will...knowing that what you will is best for me and for all, higher and better and truer and freer...even when I don't understand....

On earth, as it is in Heaven....

Here and the on earth...I want to see all that you already see from heaven...all the possibilities and hopes and dreams you have for all of us...that you have had from before our lives began...from before time began...I want to see that happen...may all that I am be available to help that happen....

Give us this day our daily bread.....

Daddy, I ask and trust you for all that I need today, for me and for all your children, all that our bodies, minds and hearts need to grow and become all that you call me and your children to be today and in the days to come....

And forgive us our trespasses....

Daddy God, forgive me and all your children for all that I and we have done and said, all that I and we do and say, all that I and we will do and say today and in the days to come that will go outside of the boundaries you have laid out for me and for your children in our words and actions....

As we forgive those who trespass against us....

I know that we can ask for this forgiveness if we are willing to give it to those who trespass our boundaries, who violate us and abuse us and misunderstand us, and that the more I and we understand our own brokenness and sinfulness and weakness and recognize how unable we are without your power to do what you call us to do in loving others and even ourselves....the more we will be able to accept others in all their weakness and brokenness which causes them to do the things that hurt me and others....

And lead us not into temptation....

Daddy, I need you to order my steps go before me and walk beside lead me into all that you want me to do and be...we all need you to do that we will not stray into situations and relationships that are dangerous to us or to that we will not trespass your boundaries in our thoughts and words and that we will not get into the kind of trouble that is really of our own making....

But deliver us from evil....

Since you know us so well, Daddy, we can rely on you to see us out of trouble that will come our way, that becomes evil or is already evil, but we ask you anyway to protect us and take us through and out of all that is evil, in situations and in people, in our own thoughts and emotions, because you are faithful and you know we seek to follow you and be all that you want us to be....

For yours is the kingdom...

It's really all about you, Daddy. You set it up and you have your know the end from the beginning....

The power....

You could do it all for us...for you have awesome, total and unlimited power to do all that you want...after all you created the universe...and you give us your want to use your power in our be and do all that we that we may be and do all that you need us to do in our lives, in this world....

And the glory....

Your majesty and your glory are unbelievable and beyond description...and you want to bring your glory to pass in our want to share your glory with want all that we are and do to shine with the witness of your presence...

Forever and ever....

I can't imagine forever but I believe it....that all this is true and always has been and always will be and that you can make it all so...that just as you have been and will be forever so we can be forever with you....


So be it, Daddy....may I always believe and know and do all that I have said here...may I mean it more each day...may I always seek to live according to these words...may we live according to your words....your plans...your dreams....and may all that you offer us bring to pass all our words and plans and dreams that you delight in.


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