
John 18:11 (New International Version)
11...Shall I not drink the cup the Father has given me?"

Whatever he says to me,
that will I do
Shall I not drink the cup of sorrow too?
If he should ask me,
there to follow
Shall I recoil,
refuse to swallow?
For I am his,
in sunshine and in rain
May he be glorified,
should I be called to pain


Matthew 20:22-23 (New International Version)
22...Jesus said to them. "Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?"
"We can," they answered.
23Jesus said to them, "You will indeed drink from my cup..."

His footsteps lead on thorny paths;
so goes the story
But gladly I will follow, for...
they lead to glory


Psalm 16:5-6 (New International Version)
5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

Psalm 73:25-26 (New International Version)
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.


Marian said…
In the shower this morning I was remembering a few key times that I didn't do whatever He was nudging me to do. I repented (again). I know He forgave me the first time, but I don't think I forgave myself, because everytime I think of what could have been (after I found out why He was asking me to do what I was refusing to do), I am filled with remorse. In the shower this morning I prayed that I would choose right when he prompts me to do something. And, I forgive myself for being so bone-headed the other times.
Belinda said…
I hear you Marion. Let's all hold hands and step out into the apparant wild blackness of his will, knowing that he is utterly trustworthy. Like Peter, we will stumble and bumble. We are in school after all. :)
Joanna Mallory said…
Beautiful, Belinda. Thank you for sharing this!
Angcat said…
Deep words Belinda.
Every song I sing has changed.
"Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire..."
Dangerous words, that plunge us into the unknown of His will. Would I still sing them had I known of Nicky's suffering?

I think so...tentatively said.

I was reading yesterday in Hannah Hurnard's sequel to Hinds Feet On High Places (can't remember the name) of the Terror and Beauty of love.
The Shepherd agreed with Grace and Glory that love cannot tolerate anything happening to His beloved, or being in His beloved (you and I) that keeps us from being His. So sometimes, His love must allow terrible things in order for his children to be changed.
My heart is grieved that I am one that has required this type of terrible love. But I am also encouraged by His insistence in loving and changing me.

A few days ago our kitty died, suddenly from heart failure due to a severely overactive thyroid.
I cried for days. My beloved Zinny had been part of our family for 11 years, a gentle, sweet companion. I never imagined that I would be so heartbroken, but I see her everywhere and miss her so deeply. I still weep...
I understand the depth of Dave's sorrow when his dog died.
I couldn't understand that God would allow this when we're already struggling so much. Life just felt barren after that.
But I had to find His mercy in all He allows, and somehow that is happening, moment by moment.
Some might think this an overreaction to losing a cat, but it's not. It's very real grief.

One thing that I've been learning is that God will not tolerate anything that takes His place.
Brennan Manning wrote a book called "The Foolishness of God".
In it he deals with three things that separate us from God; power, comfort and security.
He has been taking away things that brings me comfort (sleep, comfort-cat as I used to call her, and the general well-being of life in Nicky).
This is hard and only understandable by those going through it.
Glory to God for His mercy and fire.
Belinda said…
I'm so sorry about the loss of poor Zinny Comfort Cat on top of all of your stress and weariness, Ang.

Yes, you understand the words I wrote far more than I. How brave you are Ang, although I know that there must be unbrave moments. You are human.

I love you and your little flock and you are in my prayers.

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