His Banner Over Me is Love

Song of Solomon 2:4 (New International Version)
4 He has taken me to the banquet hall,
and his banner over me is love.

Writing a reply to an email I find myself harsh. I second guess myself; edit, reword, soften, remember...breathe.

A sudden surge of anger at something catches me off guard, adding pressure to an already pressured day.

A question asked once too often and I reply discourteously to someone who does not perhaps notice the subtle rudeness of my reply. But I know, and my heart is grieved.

Who is this hot-head that lives in me still?

If I make more room for Christ, surely what flows from me will naturally (or "by nature") be love. I will have no fear of harshness. No need to repent of sudden sharpness in my voice, in spoken or written word.

The verse today says, "His banner over me is love." Self referentially I always thought that it pointed out how much he loves me; how much he loves us. I wonder if I have that wrong (not about his loving us, but what the banner means.) I wonder if the banner is meant to proclaim, "Here, look--this one is mine. She represents love." Surely if I am his child carrying his DNA; made of "God stuff;" I should resemble him more closely.

Oh Lord, let love invade and possess the kingdom of my heart, and flow like life bloood through my thoughts, words and deeds.


Anonymous said…
Ahhh, that's great, 'the banner over me' - the big neon sign over my head, the sign people see coming at them when I arrive. Good mental picture. I want the sign to say 'love'....in all caps...LOVE.

I want to be that and also be real, not just pasting on a smile and pretending to be all sweetness and light. Is this possible, to be both? I think it is, under the tutelage of Christ.

Last week, I found myself caught up in knee-jerk reactions to emails. I kept hoping each of my replies would be the end to the issue, but it wasn't happening. Finally, I had to push away, reminding myself that one of the benefits of email, beyond speed of delivery, is that they can be dealt with at the reader's convenience, at a time when one has space to think. I often forego that benefit and answer too quickly. I started making some choices about when I'm ready to open that person's email when it appears in my inbox and the amount of time I need to let pass before responding. Sometimes just 15 minutes renders a very different response from me. I'm not suggesting this is what you should do, but it helped me to stop and come back a little later after I've had time to consider and pray for good words AND a fresh attitude.

Like you, I am keenly aware of the feelings behind my words, and whether the other person is 'getting it' or not. I know what I can get away with. But I want to really BE loving, not just get away with sounding loving.
Belinda said…
Such good advice Marilyn; thank you. This morning I thought, "This is "test time" again."

Every now and then it is as if God says, "Okay, enough with the theory, show me how well you can apply the lessons you have been studying." Over and over I feel like a kindergartener, I am ashamed to admit.
Susan said…
Umm. Excuse me, but if you're going to keep score on yourself, you'll have to count the times you have had an instantly loving response. And according to my count of late, "Love" is way, way, way, way... (ad infinitum) ahead at this point. (If you want some examples, I could give you a few dozen just in the last few days.

Sometimes it's one step backwards to make three steps forward. Trust me, God is making lots of progress and love is steadily gaining ground...
What beautiful thoughts yet how often we fail to truly reveal His Love for others. Our deepest desire and calling to is reveal Jesus Christ to others. May that be our goal today. Bless you. P. Jack Driscoll www.MissionMexico.org

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