Soul Rest

"In the tempestuous ocean of time and toil, there are islands of stillness where we may enter a harbor and reclaim our dignity." ~Abraham Joseph Heschel

Leaves rustle like chimes, two distinct notes on the wings of the breeze. Summer's supple green dance with autumn's brittle brown. A bird twitters, another cheeps. I hear the buzz of a fly clear and distinct, then recede and fade. Nature's harmony.

My eyes close. Sun's rays warm my skin. I hear His voice.

"Rest awhile. Slow. Draw near to me. I am here."

I stay. I languish in the now. My toes rest in the cool damp. Grass massages my feet. A gentle breeze stirs and He speaks softly in the quiet,

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden light." Matthew 11:28 NASV

I exchange my yoke for His. The week's worries dull. I lay my petty grievances at the cross. I turn my head from the swirling tempest of the last several days. I give in to my heart, the one He gave me, the heart that seeks and longs for Him.

And I will give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me with their whole heart. Jeremiah 24:7 NASV

I bask in His humble, gentle, complete love. I trust the One who formed me, to hold me. This weak one calls out "Abba, Daddy..."and He hears.

He speaks into the weariness and strengthens my heart, mind, and body. Head ache eases. Vitality returns, flowing from within.

I thank Him for hearts that yearn, for my soul thirst. He is Lord. Only he can give drink in the parched places of journey's trail. He shines His light in the dark corners; where dangers lurk, hidden from ourselves.

I found my way back to Him. I gave up the role of Martha to try Mary's way. This time I chose to sit at His feet. I quench my thirst. I drink long and slow. I don't hurry. Not this time.

I know the way now. I'm counting on finding it again. Perhaps you've been there many a time. In His grace, maybe we'll meet there and talk awhile.


Angcat said…
A restorative post, Joyful.
I love the quote and your nature words, and the reminder that only He can fill those dry and thirsty places.
Mmmm...I'm sipping too...
Brenda said…
Such beautiful words and as Angcat says...restorative. It made me think of Michael W. Smith singing 'Draw Me Close to You'....and these words from Isaiah 30:15 which I read a few days ago: 'Only in returning to me and waiting for me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.'
Rebekah Hughes said…
Ahh . . . His grace. We were reminded in yesterday's sermon of His grace. We see His exuberant grace when we are laying low at the pig's trough (Luke 15:11-32). We can know His grace when we see who we really are! The prodigal son came to his senses and received his father's grace.

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