Make My Life a Prayer to You

It is quiet here tonight and I am alone with my God. I wish I could say that it is a comfortable thing, but it is not.

Silence and solitude press down upon me; twin weights. The ticking of the clocks, which I usually find a comforting sound,tonight seems to carry a polite reproach.

There is much to put right before him; a heart examined, and found sadly wanting. So little love and devotion to him, so little compassion and love for others.

I believe in the maxim that we cannot lead people farther than we have gone ourselves. Those words sober me. I am a poor follower of him of late. How then can I lead?

Well, perhaps I can lead on my knees.

Dear Lord, please take my prayerlessness and make my life a prayer to you. Please take my old and tired heart in your hands and make it over, into a thing of beauty as only you can do.

Romans 12:2 (New International Version)
2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.


Joanna Mallory said…
Belinda, we all end up in this place if we slow down long enough. Thank your for being transparent enough to share it. It's very powerfully-written.

Is that Keith Green singing? It's a new song to me. Thanks for that, too.
Joyful Fox said…
Many times, I have been here too! I will pray for where you are now.

Your courage and honesty bless.

All morning I had been singing the lines, "What can be done for an old heart like mine, soften it up with oil and wine..." another Keith Green tune!

It was nice to hear him again. I have all my Keith Green stuff on records so I haven't listened to them in years - no record player anymore.

Thanks for that post.
Belinda said…
Thank you sisters. Today has been better. I felt God's Presence with me as I drove and prayed. I can't live without him and when I drift, I start to die.

Yes, Joanna, that is Keith Green, one of my personal heroes when it comes to a passionate heart to follow Christ.

Joyful I love that song too, I think it's my favourite Keith Green song; My Eyes Are Dry.

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