The Good Way

Jeremiah 6:16 (New International Version)
16 This is what the LORD says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls...

I stepped out into the dark of this September evening and felt the cool, refreshing, fall nippiness in the air, as crisp as a Macintosh apple.

The Swamp Creatures still chirped and sang, but gone was the sultry, heavy air of just last week and instead of a peach slice moon, a mottled silver almost-orb, hung in the centre of a soft rainbow rimmed halo of light.

The scent of woodsmoke wafted in the air as I picked up our blue boxes from the kerb. I walked back to the house, savouring the few moments out there in the dark.

Last night I poured out my heart, feeling so far from God; so disconnected. Without him I die, and I know that I have nothing at all of worth to give to another soul in this world.

Just being brutally honest about where I was, felt necessary. I had to acknowledge it in all of its awfulness before I could get beyond it. But I went to sleep with a peaceful heart, knowing that for better or worse, at least my heart was clean before him.

Today I could pray again, and as I did, I felt life flowing back into me. His life. And it felt so good.

I read tonight in Jeremiah about "ancient paths" and a "good way" that we are to seek and walk in. The promise? Peace; rest for our souls.

Abba, Father, I come to you with grateful heart. I need you, oh, how I need you. Please fill me to overflowing with your sweet Self so that what spills out from me will be to others what they need from you.

Matthew 11:29 (New Living Translation)
29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
New International Version (NIV)
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society


Susan said…
"Disconnect" - the enemy's most effective weapon. We're all subject to it when we let our guard down a little... and that's so easy to do, often without even realizing what's happening. What an unspeakably good Shepherd we have who will leave the 99 just to come and find us... each and every time. If we can only stop long enough to recognize our plight and then wait for Him to get there. Sigh. He always does!
Joyful Fox said…
Beautifully written post Belinda.

I love the, "crisp like a macintosh apple". The imagery at the beginning coupled with the transparency of your heart made for a moving and delightful post.

Thank you once again for touching this heart.

Blessings on your day.
Joanna Mallory said…
Belinda, your word choices are beautiful -- I could appreciate these posts just for their writing. But the message has touched my heart. Thanks for sharing this "before and after" -- it's a struggle we all face, but most people keep it quiet and then feel like everyone else has it together. I think that compounds the problem.

So glad the life is flowing back in. God is so good.

You and Joyful mentioned some Keith Green songs yesterday. A couple that have ministered to me the last few years (and taught me a lot about grace) are from Todd Agnew: Still Here Waiting and Wait for Your Rain. Again, He's honest about the struggle, and about the need to get close again to God.
Belinda said…
Thanks so much Joanna, for the encouragement on all counts.

There is no other way to be here than honest--not with the flag we fly under!

I appreciate the music suggestion and I will be looking Todd Agnew up. I always love the music on God With Us: Finding Joy and look forward to your choices.

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