A Tale of Two Sisters

Once upon a time there were two sisters, as different as night and day. At least that’s what everyone thought - including them. One was brunette, the other blonde. One had a sprinkle of freckles across her nose, the other just wished she had. One loved her dolls and listened to her parents, did her homework and washed the dishes right away whenever she was asked. The other was outside at every opportunity – running, jumping, shouting – just playing hard and spurning anything that looked or felt like "responsibility". One sister kept her clothes clean, her shoes polished and made sure her socks always matched her outfit. The other sister was too busy chasing adventure through ditches and woodlots - building forts, climbing trees, catching frogs - to ever worry about what her clothes looked like or to keep her shoes from getting scuffed. One sister - the older - felt it was her responsibility to look out for both of them, but the younger sister rejected her wisdom, throwing off any attempt to "rein her in" and civilize her appearance and behaviour.

They grew up poles apart – perhaps not even caring eventually, if they were in the same family until first one – and then the other – were adopted into another family – the family of God.

And then the restoration began.

It took years of careful and gentle weaving of their lives by a God who watched over them, but a plan began to emerge and to be revealed in the fabric of their lives. Though they now live hundreds of miles apart, and only occasionally see each other, they have a free and easy relationship, born out of love and mutual respect and admiration. When they do see each other, there is no need to "prime the pump". They simply pick up exactly where they left off - or even more accurately - exactly where they are. They love and accept one another - not just in spite of their differences, but perhaps even because of them. Their once wildly divergent lives have converged – in Him.

Their love for one another is testimony to a heavenly Father whose heart is all about “reconciliation”. It's what he does. It's who he is. The amazing thing is both sisters have come to realize, that under the surface, they're not so different at all. Their hearts are both at the same time, "black but comely" (see Song of Solomon 1:5); both beautiful, yet both in need of a Saviour.

One of those sisters, is me, Susan, and the other the dearest and best, my older sister Brenda. We were born into the same family, but only God could have made us truly “sisters”.

And He did. Thank God, he did.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

Yes, and hallelujah, that is what we are. I love you, Bren.


Belinda said…
Praise God,I'm celebrating "the sisterhood" with you!

How wonderfully God sprays on the WD 40 of the Holy Spirit, displacing everything that is not of him, restoring rusty, squeaky heart hinges.
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful story.
I hope my sister and I will be like you someday. We are pretty close already, but I want to be sisters of God like you.
The only thing is that my sister has trouble believing sometimes.
But I have hope/faith that God will help her find her way through her struggles.
He does that, right?
Susan said…
Night-Owl, He DOES that!

I look back on my life sometimes and I wonder how he's kept me. Largely, I'm sure through the prayers of those to whom he gave a vision for "relationship" and who then prayed for me.

That's the best thing you can do for your sister - pray for her - then keep loving her, resist judgment and condemnation with everything you've got, and gossip (I hate to say it, but we are all prone!). That's what God gave my sister and I to work with - and look what he's done with those raw materials. By the way, this may sound like it was an easy road, but it wasn't. It also required humility, relentless faithfulness, perseverence, our mother's prayers, sometimes painful confrontation, and a big dose of humility.

And Belinda, of course you're celebrating the sisterhood! You're part of it! :o)
Anonymous said…
Hi Susan,
Enjoyed the post, and can relate to how two sisters can be so different, yet come to appreciate each other for who they are. It is throgh those tests of the sisterhood that I have grown up in my journey with God and I am glad that I was challenged in that way.

By the way am I far off to venture you were the carefree outdoor lets explore life gal in this story?

Have a great weekend, and see you soon,

Susan said…
No, actually I was the super-responsible one. That sister of mine! What a consternation!

Just kidding. You're right. I'm the adventure seeker. At least I was...

Brenda celebrated her fiftieth birthday with her family by going camping for the very first time in her life. Her first night in a tent was spent listening to the violent flapping of nylon as a windstorm hit and nearly blew them off the rocks. She was a two-hour paddle in by canoe, with no hope of finding alternative shelter. But she LOVED it and was instantly addicted! :o)
Anonymous said…
You had me for a minute, I could just see your smile as you were typing it too...

Instanly addicted at 50 now that is someting to celebrate, new adventures like camping and loving it, good for her..


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