Meditate, Think, Ponder, Wonder,

I'm a Sunday School teacher, scheduled to teach every four weeks and the class of 16 or so grade 4-6-ers includes 4 of my grandchildren.

Last week was my second time up to bat. I fell in love with the children the first week. Anyone who has spent an hour with 16 unique individuals; sponges for God but full of mischief, knows what it is to be well and truly hooked. Well, that's what happened to me at least.

Last week the lesson was all about Adam and Eve's fateful decision. The children learned about decision making and how to greatly increase the odds of making a good one by praying about them first. I spent time on Saturday cutting out white oblongs, yellow diamonds and red octagons from poster board, for the children to make into road signs, on which they could write messages to help them remember how to make good decisions; messages such as "Stop," "Think," or "Pray."

Most of the children took their signs upstairs with them to show their parents and take home, but in the dust from the end of class stampede, I found 4 signs that were left behind. I gathered them up and brought them home with me because they delighted me with their range of diversity.

One red octagon bore the message, "Help. I don't know what to do."

Another said, "Hot dog. Be quiet."

A white oblong said, "I'm the best in this class."

And a yellow diamond shaped sign had a message in childish hand and slightly mis-spelled, that said, "Medditate, Think, Ponder, Wonder."

A book could probably be written on those four approaches to problem solving! Meanwhile I smile every time I look at them.

Yesterday we had a crowd for dinner and when the downstairs washroom was already busy, and Stephen and Joshua needed to use one, we gave permission to go to a region of the house they don't usually enter--our ensuite washroom.

Last night when Paul and I went to bed, we found two cars in front of the toilet, and Paul noticed that the brightness had been altered on the display of his alarm clock. We laughed at the natural curiosity of children as we went to sleep.

This morning though, we decided to pop in an exercise DVD and do a work out together. We have a small T.V. and DVD player on a table in our bedroom for that purpose. I tried to start the DVD, only to find a message on the screen asking for the "password." We were effectively locked out of our exercise DVD!

Paul hunted for the owners manuals, which fortunately he was able to find, and using a "default password," we were able to play the DVD. We still have to learn how to take off the password that little hands must have somehow installed.

I smile at the fact that my decision making lesson may have to be learned many times over by the children before it "takes." If I'm honest I'm still learning myself, with every decision.

I think about that gold diamond with the message, "Meditate, think, ponder and wonder."

Sometimes the teacher is the student.

Psalm 119
1 Joyful are people of integrity,
who follow the instructions of the Lord.
2 Joyful are those who obey his laws
and search for him with all their hearts.
3 They do not compromise with evil,
and they walk only in his paths.
4 You have charged us
to keep your commandments carefully.
5 Oh, that my actions would consistently
reflect your decrees! 6 Then I will not be ashamed
when I compare my life with your commands.
7 As I learn your righteous regulations,
I will thank you by living as I should!
8 I will obey your decrees.
Please don’t give up on me!


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