The Rainbow

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I was preparing supper yesterday when I heard the sound of feet pounding up the stairs from the apartment below.
Two breathless granddaughters burst into the kitchen, eyes wide, hair askew as if they had run in from the wind outside.
"Omie--there's a rainbow--it's right out there!" said Victoria as she pointed to the north-east.
"We thought you might want to take a photograph," said Tiffany-Amber.
I was already on my way to the door to the garden with my camera.
Outside there was a strong wind and clouds were scudding across the sky. I braced myself against the wind to steady the camera and took several photos as fast as I could. The light was changing quickly and the brilliance of the rainbow was fading, but I managed to capture it.
For the rest of the evening I had my eyes on the sky and took many photographs of dramatic cloud formations and a flock of gulls that alighted on the brown field and then rose and flew crazily in the battering wind. It was a beautiful evening.
Tonight Terry called to let me know of the arrangements for our friend Bill's funeral so that I could pass them on to others.
As she was saying goodbye she reflected on the happenings of the day yesterday, and said,"It doesn't matter what your day's been like," she said, "When you get home, swimming lessons still go on--and trips to the mall."
"But," she said, "When I came out of the mall, there was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. It wasn't raining. It was just like a sign saying, 'Bill has arrived.'"
"I saw that rainbow and photographed it!" I said to Terry. We were both amazed that we had seen the same rainbow and that, thanks to the girls, I captured it--Bill's rainbow.
1 Corinthians 2:9-10 (New International Version)
9 ..."No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"
— 10 but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.


Believe it or not I think I may have seen that rainbow too! The picture was beautiful and the idea that the heaven's radiated in welcome for Bill warms me. I'm wondering, did I, perchance, know this Bill?
Belinda said…
Dave, you knew him very well indeed! :)

How cool that you saw the rainbow too!
Anonymous said…
What a beutiful rainbow.
I thought so, I truly hope he is fully at peace!

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