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As I was getting ready for bed I found the silver chain. It had come open and slipped down into the folds of my clothing, but the pendant that had been on it when I left the house that morning, was gone.

It had been my mother's and has been part of my memory of her for as long as I can remember.

She would wear it whenever she was going somewhere special--otherwise it lay nestled safely in her little jewelry box--a small glass stone that changed colour from pale violet to blue with the temperature, set in a circular band of silver, with a stem topped by a tiny flower. I'd guess that it's at least sixty years old.
She gave it to me a few years ago and I have treasured it. Unlike Mum, I wore it often--my fingers often finding it at the end of the fine silver chain it hung on.
I mentally retraced my steps that day. I had been in Orillia, a group home in Richmond Hill, a Swiss Chalet restaurant, and at my office in Bradford. There was no way of knowing where I lost it.
I hold most possessions loosely, but not this one and I prayed fervently that I would find it. The next day I called coworkers in Orillia and Richmond Hill, and soon they were retracing my footsteps--anxious to help find it. It seemed hopeless, even as I did everything I could think of. I thought of it lying in a parking lot somewhere--finding it seemed impossible, but I couldn't give up. I kept praying.

Yesterday I spoke with someone I'd been at the restaurant with and she said, "Oh yes, you were wearing it then, I saw it on your neck." That renewed my hope a little--but--still no pendant...
Today I went to Bradford to take back some friends to their Christian Horizons home after church. When we dropped them off, I, with the other friend in the car, had a look again at the parking lot where I'd been on Thursday. A staff from the home saw me and came out to ask what we were looking for. I told her my story and she said she'd look later. "I like puzzles and finding lost things," she said with a smile and a determined gleam in her eye.

Two hours later my phone rang. I could hardly believe that it was true--"I found your pendant," she said.

It was in the gravel of the parking lot--right where we had been looking--but we might never have found it.

I have never, been more grateful or excited at any piece of news. I left right then and there to go and get it. Lovingly cleaned up, it is close at hand as I type this. I am so thankful.

I could really relate to the story in Luke 15 of the woman who lost a silver coin--part of a set of ten silver coins that Palestinian women received as wedding gifts--it would have held great sentimental value. I thought of it several times as I prayed about my lost pendant. Jesus said that she lit a lamp so that she could see into every nook and cranny--and swept the house carefully until she found it.
Then, Jesus said, she called her friends and neighbours to share the news that she'd found it and they rejoiced with her. Maybe they'd been helping her look for it and finally had to go home. You can bet that as soon as I get to work tomorrow I will be calling to share my joy with those who were searching with me. And once I got home today we put the kettle on for a celebration cup of tea!
Jesus used the story of the lost coin to illustrate the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents. My pendant was never off my mind when it was lost--something was wrong and only one thing would put it right--finding it. So it is in the courts of heaven, he said--the angels are ecstatic over one lost soul coming to repentance and finding him. I just had a tiny glimpse of the Father's heart for a soul that is lost--his pre-occupation over that wayward, lost one--his persistence in seeking for them--and the happy celebration when a soul finds its way home.
Luke 15:9-10 (New International Version)
9 And when she finds it, she calls her friends and neighbors together and says, 'Rejoice with me; I have found my lost coin.' 10In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."


Brenda said…
What a beautiful pendant. I'm so happy for you that it was found. God is so good! I had a very similar experience a number of years ago when we were canoeing on the Black River. I lost an earring in tall grass...one of a pair that Rick had given me as an anniversary gift. I prayed and God answered. It was like finding a needle in a haystack!
Brenda G.
What a wonderful post and a wonderful story. I'm so glad it was found, like you I treasure few 'things' but that pendant really isn't a 'thing' it's a reminder of someone you love. I'm so glad it's back where it belongs
Belinda said…
Thanks Dave and Brenda and all others rejoicing with me over my found treasure. I am still so very grateful and ever will be. It seems like such a miracle to have it back. It is, when I think of all the places it could have been.

A friend once lost her glasses while white water rafting in the Elora Gorge, Brenda. She didn't find her glasses, but she did feel around in the water and find another pair. Same prescription! God has such a sense of humour. I'm glad you found your ear ring!
Leann said…
so glad you found it.its so sad when a person loses some thing.but when its from someone who isnt here any more its even sadder.
I lost a silver dollar years ago.it was a very old one.and it
had been from my grandpa.my grandma gave it to me after he died.
well once some light fingered family member,s were coming to stay with us.and they would be staying in my room.so I ran down stair,s to hide it in my granny,s room.
we stuck it in her dresser under some news paper.

they came and stayed,and just before they were going, I ran up alone to check their suit cases to get the thing,s they did take.

I had to every year.so I knew they would have some of my stuff.
sure enough I found make up and a eyelash crimper.and other things that slip my mind now.
I closed the suit cases and went down stair,s.
they came back up with me and took them down not knowing i had taken my stuff out.
when they were gone I went to get my silver dollar.but I forgot I had hidden it away.and so had my granny.
I was heart broken.I thought they had taken it,and I was so mad I never wanted to see them come again.
for years I told others about it.
and I was so sad I had not checked their stuff out better.

well one day years after I was coming down the step,s at the farm.and all at once I remembered where that silver dollar was.I remembered cause I hit the same step as I did the day I ran down to hid it.
and my mind said this is where your silver dollar is.I ran to the drawer and there it was,still in its blue green leather bag with the Indian Chief on it.

so I tell the story so others know .some times the one who takes it isnt always a thief.some times we forget and take it our selves.

and I tell it cause they didnt take the silver dollar.even if they did take other stuff,I should never have blamed them tell I knew for sure.
have a great week.:)God bless.

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