Singing in the Shadow of His Wings...


Your post of Monday (April 2, 2007) touched me deeply and drew me closer in devotion to the One who gave so much -- for me... Thankyou for that gift to us this Holy Week... I've been thinking about your words all morning and I remembered a poem I wrote some years ag0.

Singing in the Shadow of Your Wings
March 7, 1999

Just when I think I'm finally getting free
it seems to come about by some necessity
that I'm forced to look into my book of memories.

Every leaf, to my chagrin,
falls open to a place I rather would not see!
And I can sense
a feeling rising up in me of pure futility-
As the pain of all my past cascades and washes over me.

And then...

I feel your love enfolding me
Drawing me, holding me...
Close to your heart!
And there's no place I'd rather be
Than waiting right here quietly
Just being in the shadow of your wings.

As I lean against Your breast,
Once again I know to rest
In the hope and peace that your forgiveness brings.

My heart is filled completely. It begins to overflow.
with a gratitude
that only one
who's fallen quite so far-
Could ever, ever know!


Brenda B said…
Dear Susan
Thank you so much for sharing your heart with all of us. It was full of the beauty of love for the Father. I was truly blessed.

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