The God Who is "There".

"If you look for me in earnest, you will find me when you seek me. I will be found by you," says the Lord. " Jeremiah 29:13 NLT

Our God is a God who is not far away. Whatever experience we have or whatever circumstance we find ourselves in, God is always there. If we look for him, (on his terms, of course - in earnest, with some effort expended) he promises that he will make sure we find him -- not looking down on us from afar somewhere, but right there, right in the midst of the experience - right with us. What a glorious promise. No matter how difficult the road we walk, how painful the wounds, how dark the tunnel, how hopeless the situation, how far we have fallen, how broken the relationship, God is there. If we've given our hearts to him, turned our lives over to him - he's always there.

"And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28: 20b NLT


Belinda said…
Thank you Susan. Some of us have really needed him to be "there" over the past week--and found him faithful. I treaure his Presence above all else.
Leann said…
He is the lily of the vally,the rose,the one who sticks closer then a brother,father to the fatherless,mother,friend,every thing we need, He is.I found him in the vallys of my life.walked with Him high upon the mountains tops,in the meadow land,in the darkest times of my life he was there so close.when I felt as if I were in a dark cave and didnt even know how I got there,I needed only to reach out my hand and say."Lord please guide me out"and soon I was in the those times I found that Jesus christ was my best friend.God bless you and thank you for your blog.

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