Out of the Fog

I feel as if I have been in a bit of a fog for the last few days.

Yesterday Keri, one of our blog/devo family of friends wrote to say about God:

"He never treats us with a pointed finger, a stern face or a disappointed look. Instead He has open arms and a hug saying don't you remember my little one you over came that already, now keep your eyes on me and continue on the path I made for you.

He is always compassionate and kind, full of mercy. We sometimes think of the worst and make ourselves feel stupid. But we must remember we are His children and He loves us more than we can fathom." She ended her email with, "So just say, Thanks Abba Daddy!"

Keri, thanks for your joy, and for your gentle reminder to stop wallowing!

This morning I read in Mark 10, the story of Jesus' encounter with The Rich Man. So much flows through and between the words they spoke to eachother. It's almost as if they are speaking on one level, with a much deeper meaning just below the surface. The man calls Jesus "Good Teacher," and in doing so, acknowledges that Jesus is God, for Jesus says, "Only God is truly good."

The Rich Man has kept the commandments since he was a child, but it isn't enough and he knows it. Love flows between Jesus and the man as Jesus considers his sincere longing to live a godly life here and gain eternal life. Jesus then puts his finger on the crucial thing; he challenges him to give up his possessions. And, Mark writes, the man went away sad. Jesus told his disciples that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God.

This has been my struggle, Jesus putting his finger on my "riches" of time, space and solitude and saying, "Give to the poor (whoever needs what you have to give) and you will have treasure in heaven."

No wonder the disciples said, "Then who in the world can be saved?"

And Jesus said those wonderful words which give me hope, "Humanly speaking it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God."

So Keri is right, and I am going to say, "Thanks Abba, Daddy. I know that with me it is impossible, but with you everything is possible."


Anonymous said…
sorry - I had the title wrong on that song. It's "So Long Self" not goodbye. :)
Belinda said…
I see it was I who mixed up the title. You got it right--I "translated it" into my own version. Thanks for the correct title!
Lily said…
Thanks, Kerry. :)

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