Letters from Mum (In Which Mum Shares Her Philosophy on Not Overdoing Things)

November 11, 2002

Well, I didn't make that (dental) impression after all. I read the date wrong. :)It said the 18/11/02 and I looked at the 11th. :) But it was no problem as I had to go to the post office anyway for our pensions. Dad went to get his paper, cigarettes and our loaf...

Robert went to the court today, as they thought he had been overpaying his solicitors etc. Something like that. He went at 3 o'clock and it was very much to his advantage. He'll have a nice sum back, so it was well worth it.

I just called Sammy as it had started to rain again. Dad moaned about it, but that is normal. :) Rob came home at 5.30 and had his dinner. It was just bacon sandwiches, baked beans and eggs. We just looked at the terrible weather elsewhere. We're very sheltered here. We did have a bit of rain here but we did have a lovely sunny afternoon as well. :) 

After I'd been to the village this morning I made our brunch. But I wasn't able to do the bedrooms etc. somehow. It was left. It's not important. I felt tired and took it easy. Very wise. :) I don't push myself as it's wrong. Tomorrow is another day and I'll see what I can do...

So that's where I get my non "Type A" behaviour from; I inherited it from Mum! Not really. :) In 2002 she was 76, and her breathing never recovered from the 50 years of smoking before she managed to quit in her early 70's. She was doing so well considering everything.


Marilyn Yocum said…
"I wasn't able to...It was left. It's not important...I don't push myself as it's wrong. Tomorrow is another day and I'll see what I can do... "

I think I've turned into your mother! I live by these words, especially when it comes to housework. :-)
Belinda said…
Marilyn, you couldn't turn into a better person! And yes, so much wisdom in those words; we are finite and have our limits. So good to hear from you dear friend.

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