
By Belinda 

It feels like a mini-retreat of a strange sort: at home; enjoying being here for a day or so; steadily working away at tasks too big for a weekend. Or my weekends at least, which are consumed by grocery shopping, laundry and church and not a lot more that I can manage. That sounds pretty pathetic now that I put it down in writing. But it is the truth, at least when it comes to tasks. 

There is relational stuff on weekends that is important to me and which flows around the tasks: a long phone call or two; family dinners; electronic connecting and writing blog posts. Those things are the important stuff of my life. 

And I don't think that I am a fast person. I plod, but plod with perseverance! :)

All this to say that just a couple of days of extra time to do things such as clean an oven; two fridges, and defrost and clean out a freezer (and I hope to accomplish some other things too)--are a big treat!

Deeper peace settles over me with every item put back in order, as though the order of my home has some connection with order in my soul on some obscure level.

Having "just enough to do" within a given time frame is such a gift when so many days don't feel like that. I am enjoying my little "holiday" to the full, writing this in the shade of a magnolia tree; its' leaves responding to the gentle breeze with soft applause.

And I applaud too, God who gave this day-song to my soul.

Isaiah 55:12

The Message (MSG)
 12-13"So you'll go out in joy,
   you'll be led into a whole and complete life.
The mountains and hills will lead the parade,
   bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession,
   exuberant with applause.
No more thistles, but giant sequoias,
   no more thornbushes, but stately pines—
Monuments to me, to God,
   living and lasting evidence of God."


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