
By Belinda

These are some photos from Thursday, when we had lunch with Paul's cousin (Uncle John's son) Stephen, and then drove to the nearby ancient town of Bromsgrove (click the link to read of the interesting history.) We enjoyed walking down the pedestrian High Street and looking in the many charity shops. I found a great book in one of them!

Later we stopped for coffee at Costa's Coffee and I could not resist a giant version of my favourite cookie--Custard Creams. I am apparently not alone in my passion. According to Wikipedia, in a 2007 survey of 7,000 British people, 9 out of 10 claimed it as their favourite "biscuit!"


Brave Raven said…
You both look so slim in this photo. You can easily afford many such biscuits. I have enjoyed "visiting" your beautiful country. Thanks so much.
Susan said…
Bromsgrove just made it onto my bucket list - if not for the cream biscuits. (You can have my share of those.. and save the chocolate for me! :))
Anonymous said…
What a beautiful place! Your photos really give a great feel. I know we are not supposed to covet - but...:-)
Anonymous said…
I miss you but I'm glad you are clearly having such a great time! Brave Raven is right though... you both look so good!
Brenda said…
This last comment was me Mom! Sorry!
Belinda said…
Susan you can have all the chocolate biscuits with pleasure--just leave the vanilla ones. :)
Belinda said…
Anon, so glad you are enjoying the journey with us!
Belinda said…
Brenda--only two more sleeps. We can't wait to see you on Wednesday.
Belinda said…
Brave Raven, you made Paul's day. He said it's been a long time since anyone said he looked slim! :)
Susan said…
Actually, he does look great (you both do), but you've got to send him clothes shopping. Those pants are getting decidedly baggy! :)
Belinda said…
He's already been to Marks and Spencer's Susan! The baggy pants have been consigned "somewhere"--not sure where but they aren't on Paul! :)

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