Around the Village

By Belinda

Last night on the eve of our last five precious days here, I realized that I didn't want to waste any of those moments tapping away on my laptop. It's so easy to be "here" but not fully present to the people I am with.

So here are just a few photographs taken last week while walking the village on a blustery, showery day! I know that people who take time to  read here ( and whom I appreciate so much) will understand and agree that this is how it should be.

Don't miss the pink blossom on the tree in one photo below. Even in the chilly weather it was heartening to see such early signs of spring here, along with some snowdrops in bloom and many crocuses shyly unfurling their buds.


Belinda, I have been horribly busy with life recently so have not been commenting often, but I've been here for every post. I had to tell you that I loved the tour of the village in these photographs and remembering our drive through all the while. Thanks for a wonderful break from overwhelming times.
Susan said…
Of COURSE that's how it should be! Anyway,a picture is worth a thousand words. :)
Paula Walker said…
Love these pics - made me google Alvechurch - hadn't realize it is a rural canal town.
Dale and I spent two glorious weeks on a narrow boat on the Oxford - went about 30 miles and had to call the mechanic every day....
Belinda said…
Dave, I'm sorry that life is so pressured. I wish you could zoom across for a real break!
Belinda said…
Susan, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. The skies were gray, but inside we were cozy and warm with many cups of tea!
Belinda said…
Paula, Yes indeed, Alvechurch Marina has many long boats and the village has a rich history. Your vacation on the canal/river must be a wonderful memory!
Marilyn Yocum said…
Such picture postcards! A travel brochure on the Web! I love these photos.
Belinda said…
Marilyn, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the pics. :)

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