Last Chance to Vote in the Canadian Blog Awards!

Hi There!
Tomorrow--January 20, is the last chance to vote in the Canadian Blog Awards . And you don't have to be Canadian to vote. :)

Rolling Around in My Head, the blog written by dear friend, and lecturer and writer on disability issues; Dave Hingsburger; is up for “best overall” and “best personal blog.”

Half Soled Boots written by Dave's niece is up for “best blog post.” Shannon is a witty and incisive writer, but the blog post nominated is a deeply moving post Peace be With You: 
Whatever He Says is in the running for "best religion/philosophy blog."

You can only vote once in each category. If you have already voted--THANK YOU!! If you haven't, please vote for us; we covet your votes--hey wait--coveting is wrong. Well, begging is allowed, I think. 

We BEG for your votes if you haven't already voted. :)


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