Something that Made my Day

By Belinda

Okay I should be hitting the road and doing Christmas shopping and I will be--really--soon--but first I just had to share this in case someone has the time tonight to actually go out and do something  other than write out Christmas cards, wrap presents or shop!

I was listening to CBC radio as I got ready for the day--as usual--and heard an interview about Sistema-Toronto.

This is their mission:

Mission - VisionOur Mission is to inspire children and youth to achieve their full potential, acquire values that favor their growth, and have a positive impact on both their lives and society.Our Vision is social development through an innovative and hope-instilling music education program that emphasizes the collective practice of music, through symphony orchestras, in order to achieve excellence.

And they have a concert tonight--you can find details on their website. 

The interview included a clip of the children in practice, playing their cellos. They did well, and their teacher asked, "What made that better?"

A child's dear voice chirped up, "Because we all watched you, and we didn't rush, and we all played together."

He could have been speaking out a mantra for making this world better.

The radio show host interviewed a child about their musical hopes and in a voice that would melt the hardest hard, the little one said, "I hope I get to play with a bow; so far I have only plucked."

Plucking away in Bond Head. Over and out. Belinda :)


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