Alvechurch News

By Belinda

Newsflash! Rob told me that Bruce has started on his new package of Liver Bites; the ones that arrived from his Auntie Belinda in Canada, recently.

"So they arrived just in time then!" I said.

"Belinda, if that package hadn't arrived, I'm sure he'd have had to go through a few weeks of counselling," said Rob.

Mum loves to listen and laugh with us. All three of us laughed at the thought of Bruce going through withdrawal symptoms.

 Rob has cleared up a fungal rash that Mum had just beneath her breasts by diligently treating it with cream. The carers who come in daily weren't successful in beating it. He had to overcome his sense of discomfort at "going there," though, but I teased him that he had "been there" before. :) As for Mum, she didn't mind who did it; she was just happy it was cared for.

Then, although our poor dad isn't here to defend himself, we had to have a  laugh at his expense. Rob said, "Mum said she wished Dad was here to do it."

At this, Mum shuddered and laughed and Rob said, "Mum just doesn't like me joking about that at bedtime though. She says it unsettles her for the night!"

Mum and Dad's relationship was long enough ago that we can all look back on it now and see the funny side. We laughed about Dad's notoriously smelly feet and his steadfast defensiveness whenever Mum would suggest changing socks. In the end she had to move into a separate room to get away from the both the feet and Dad's snoring.

We remember how hard Mum had tried to get him see how his feet affected her sensibilities.

"In most cases if someone can make their partner happy by making a small effort they will. In my case it meant moving out," Rob added ruefully, and, sadly, truthfully.

On we went to the topic of washing our bed sheets, which I am obsessive about because of the mites that feed on human skin left behind (a refreshing topic I know.)

"Yes," Rob joked, "Our bed bugs are bigger and better than anyone else's. Someone once asked me, 'What are you feeding them on--skin?'"

My young nephew Tim, 18, was going to a birthday party that night. Rob had impressed on him to, "Never feel like you've got to get in the car with a nut case who's 'under the influence,' I'd sooner get out of bed, even at 3.00 in the morning. And I can always toss the keys to Bruce!"

And so went our banter for half an hour or so, about everything and nothing and all in between. We covered back surgery, a frequent topic since Rob really needs it, and the advisability of getting off the stretcher if the doctor asked, "Now which end do I start?"

We confessed that we had to call a family friend on her birthday because we'd both left it too late to send a card. Rob's final word...

"I did mean to get a card; since they have said there's nothing that actually replaces a card." :)

Welcome to the wacky world of our family--and my brother, who always makes me laugh.


Susan said…
All I can say is:

Anonymous said…
My mom and dad had separate rooms as well because of snoring. Both of them. When I would go home, my bedroom was between the two bedrooms they used. No sleeping there. Mom snoring on one side and dad on the other!
Belinda said…
Ha ha Anonymous! Mum once tape recorded Dad snoring and replayed it to him. It was SO loud!:)

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