“All Things Grace": Love Never Gives Up

Today I commend to you a post from a place I love to visit and found myself at this evening. Perhaps someone needs the hope it breathes:

“All Things Grace": Love Never Gives Up: "Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." (1 Corinthians 13:7) "She begged me to stay, but I was ...


Susan said…
Thanks B'a.

"Squeaky-clean personas win people to self, or to religious self-help systems. Forgiven, grace-drenched, grateful sinners lead people to the Savior."

A quote from one of the comments... that struck me right between the eyes when I read it.
Belinda said…
So true, Susan. I love that too.
Leslie said…
Belinda said…
Amen, Leslie--Wow says it. I loved the contrast between grace and dis-grace.
Angcat said…
Not much more to say than everyone else already did. I want to send this to so many people, but really just need it myself.
Thanks for sending us this link Belinda.
Belinda said…
Ang, I am grateful that the blessing of this shared post goes on. We all need it.
Love, Belinda

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