Hillside Goes to the Holy Land

Susan is having a very busy week but will be back soon!

By Belinda

"Will you be going to Bethlehem Belinda?" my brother Rob asked on Saturday. He seems as excited as I am that  I am headed to Israel on February 20th and is keenly interested in where we'll be and what we will see.

Paul and I are going with a group from our own and a neighbouring church, on a trip led by our pastor, who went for the first time a couple of years ago. To see the places he had read of in the Bible and preached about, made everything come alive for him. The trip had a deep spiritual impact.

Last night I drove to church for worship practice to find that instead we had another assignment from pastor--to record 6 songs for a baptismal and communion service that he'll be leading while we are there. There were just five of us: Esther the pastor's wife, who played the piano and sang, Paivi (Brave Raven in the comments section); Frances a.k.a. Poppy; Cheryl and me.

After we practised each song, Lorne recorded them, one at a time. It was profoundly moving knowing that these songs would be used to lead a worship service in the Holy Land, probably beside the river Jordan. This is one of the songs we recorded: The River, by Brian Doerksen. The other songs were Jesus Messiah; All for Jesus; I Will Rise; In Christ Alone and The Power of Your Love. Hillside goes to the Holy Land!

I'm planning to take my laptop and hope take you with us on the journey.


oooh, I'm thrilled you are taking your computer and your camera. i love virtual trips. you have to endure travel, I can enjoy the vacation simply by logging on! terrific
Susan said…
I am so looking forward to your trip too and seeing the holy land through your eyes... I can't wait to hear "Whatever He Says"!
Anonymous said…
Take pictures as often as you can. I hope you can write lots about your trip. I'll be eager to read your observations and thoughts.
Our pastor went on a trip with the seminary, and the trip had tremendous impact on him. Stories take on a new meaning in that context. When we went to the ROM to see the Dead Sea Scrolls, he was able to add so much information to what we saw there.
Belinda said…
Hi Friends,
I am so motivated to learn how to use my camera to the fullest that I am capable of before I go. I'm trying to learn one new thing a week about it!

Thanks for the encouragement to document the journey in word and photos.

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