Adjusting the Default Position

By Belinda

"So how was your day?" he asked, and in that instant I had a choice.

There were so many moments in the day to choose from. Whatever moment I chose to define the day, hung in the balance in that split second. Was it because at that moment I was standing over a big steaming pot of boiling water, wilting cabbage leaves for a mammoth quantity of cabbage rolls? I don't know, but I chose badly. 

I launched into a description of a big task added to a team already running hard to meet numerous deadlines. An impossible feat with a timeline too short!

I was flippant as I tossed out that moment into the atmosphere. It infused the air with something smellier than the cabbage leaves--but it took me a while to detect the odour.

I saw his shoulders slump; his brow furrow with concern.

The next morning, I woke up and belatedly sniffed the atmosphere around me and didn't like it one bit. I realized that I was choosing to look at things from a merely human perspective.

I thought of Moses; David; Gideon. I wanted to be like them, not King Saul of old, who quivered on a hillside when faced with an intimidating army. God plus anybody makes a formidible combination. How could I have forgotten that?

It didn't matter how big; hard  or impossible the task was, nothing is impossible for God. I had almost left him out of the equation.

Of course, Oswald Chambers had something to say on the subject in My Utmost for His Highest for today when I took time to read. The key verse:

If God so clothes the grass of the field . . . , will He not much more clothe you . . . ? —Matthew 6:30

Oswald Chambers says:

We have allowed the cares of the world to come in, and have forgotten the "much more" of our heavenly Father.

Paul and I have been watching the TV miniseries, Band of Brothers about "E" Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division during World War II: "A tale of ordinary men who did extraordinary things." It is an inspiring story of heroism...and leadership.

My perspective was back where it needed to be as a leader. I want to lead a team of ordinary men and women, who do extraordinary things...because we trust in God.


mercygraceword said…
Thanks for the reminder -despite having read and assented to 'The No Complaining Rule - I've been the only guest at a pity party this week - today I go back and join the world :o)

Susan said…
It's a NEW DAY! Yippee! Let's get going and see what GOD is going to DO! :)
Belinda said…
Amen sisters! Our eyes are looking UP not down!
I've never thought about the question 'how was your day' being about the choice we make on where to focus our attention, which moment we choose to give prominance too ... it's a powerful choice. I may just steal this idea for a blog myself. Gave me much to ponder. Thanks.
Olson Family said…
Your words have run deeply through my soul this morning, Belinda! I am in a place that feels formidable right now and yes, I too, want to stand firm and courageous like Moses, David, and Gideon! Thank you for so eloquently reminding me that I have a choice to face today's challenges with the perspective that God is for me and with me and that nothing is impossible for Him! May God bless you abundantly today!
Belinda said…
Dear Sharon,
A formidable place is just the place for God to show himself strong. I am praying for all of us to step into a new place with God, where we truly look to him in expectation that he will do great things.
Belinda said…
Dear Sharon,
A formidable place is just the place for God to show himself strong. I am praying for all of us to step into a new place with God, where we truly look to him in expectation that he will do great things.

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