Can You Thank Them?

 By Belinda

(Written Oct. 31)
It's my last day here in England, and from that precious day, 2 hours stolen for lunch with Uncle John and cousin Stephen, at The Coach and Horses in Weatheroak.

There, I entrusted the 200 pounds sterling from Whatever He Says readers , into Uncle John's care. He will send it to a pastor in a province close to Orissa in India.

Uncle John held the fat white envelope containing 10, 20 pound notes, in his hands and said, "Can you thank them?" So that is what I am doing!

He is going to send me a photo of the pastor, which I will post when I get it.

I know a little more of what has been going on with this man since I told the story of "The Bird in the Window" (see sidebar for link.)

He used to be a businessman and realtor before entering the ministry. While in real estate he helped a doctor find the perfect house. The doctor later went to Dubai to work but has since returned.

When the doctor heard that the man who had helped him find his house had gone into the ministry, and that he had a vision of starting a clinic and providing free health care to those who can't pay, he said that he would donate time, and would also ask several other doctor friends to join in the work.

The pastor also recently prayed for Bibles and received a stack of Bibles that stood taller than he was.

He has set up a sewing shop for local widows with no other means of supporting themselves and has had several sewing machines provided through donations.

It seems that the crow that came to the pastor's window on two successive days, with rupees in his beak, when he was so discouraged, really was a a bird of promise.


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