Studio Tour

By Belinda

You can never know what adventures await in the village of Bond Head!

Yesterday evening, Molson and I set out for our walk, and we were on our way home when I noticed a sign outside a garage with a group of people inside, that said, Studio Tour.

I was curious, but carried on down the road, too shy to walk up the driveway and see what was going on. There's nothing wrong with being shy, except when you let it control you, so I went back. And I'm so glad I did. Inside were two people I had met before while out on a walk, Ana Calusic and Martin Grossi; and two of their friends. And Ana and Martin's "children" Bacchi and Mocha, were there, the tiniest and most adorable little dogs. Molson did not quite know what to make of these little friends.
Bacchi and Mocha scampered around Molson with high energy, while he stood by calmly. They let him have a drink out of their water bowl, which was, for him like having a drink from a thimble.

I discovered that Ana and Martin are gifted artists and that their home was a stop on a weekend Studio Tour in Bond Head and Bradford. I was stunned at the gorgeous art hanging on their garage walls.

Molson and I walked on after our visit with our artist neighbours and stopped next at the Bond Head Community Hall, to see what else was on display.

It was late; close to getting dark by this point and there were few cars left in the parking lot; but we climbed the creaky steps into the old hall and I asked if dogs were allowed in. "Well, I don't mind," said one lady standing at a display of her husband's beautiful wood turnings. We needed no further encouragement and since we were almost the only visitors at that time of evening, Molson was doted upon by all and sundry. He was petted by children and adults at every display, while I admired the paintings, home made purses and jewelery.
The two paintings in the bottom right corner of this flyer are by Martin and Ana.
How much we would have missed, had I not rurned back. We walked on towards home through the gathering dark of evening; he with fur ruffled by many loving hands--and I with a small victory over shyness.

It's not too late to come see the art in the villages of Bond Head and Bradford. The Studio Tour continues throughout this weekend.


I think you should commission a portrait of you and Molson ... that painting they did of the dogs is wonderful. It would be the perfect thing for you.
Marilyn said…
"There's nothing wrong with being shy, except when you let it control you, so I went back." Enjoyed this, and you are so right about the victory had in turning around and exploring. I struggle with decisions like this, too. And didn't Molson have a marvelous time out and about!!
Belinda said…
You know, Dave,after seeing the skilled work on the walls of that humble garage, I thought seriously about buying art as an investment instead of RRSPs. It seems like so much more of a sure thing!

A painting of me and Molson? I would love that! I'll have to give that some thought now. :)
Belinda said…
Marilyn, I just got off the phone with Susan this afternoon, and was telling her all about what you've been writing about lately--your grandmothers and your wonderful mother stories. She said she was going to check in right away.

Yes, Molson and I were "out and about" for a whole 2 hours, just meandering around the village. I was so exhausted when I got home that I couldn't even write! :)
Karebear said…
You should also check out Jordash Inc. It is a cute little art gallery / store, run by a good friend of mine. Just south of Schomberg on the 17th line. I absolutely love good art.
Brenda said…
Never mind the portrait....I need a real Molson!
Brave Raven said…
As if YOU are shy?!?! I completely understand the battles faced by being shy. In my case, shyness usually wins.
Belinda said…
Brenda, I will add your name to the waiting list for Molson puppies! :)

Karebear, thank you for the info on the art gallery!

And dear, Brave Raven. "BRAVE" Raven. :)The think is no one knows on the outside, the battles we fight on the inside, do they?

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