My Kids According to Facebook

Fridays with Susan...

It's Friday, and like Sophia in the movie "The Colour Purple",  "Ah'm back!"

Face book is a great way to stay connected with the generation behind us.  I love being continually surprised by finding snippets, however brief, of my children's lives and the opportunity to peek into the very windows of their souls every time I make my daily check into Face book. 

Our oldest, Dan, is a die hard shunner of Face book.  That tells you something about him already.  Handsome and single, he's an I.T. guy, but not even close to a "geek".  (That would be my other son.) You won't find him updating his status.  He's much more likely to be playing his guitar and fixes, builds and upgrades all our computers - for free - and just because he loves to do it!  

The rest are all Face-bookers and as I was scrolling through some of their comments today, I thought it might be fun to introduce each one to you by sharing some quotes.  I've also included one comment from my brother just because he's so funny.  It's the one in red.  (Dave's advice to us, delivered dryly, when we announced that yet another child was on the way, was, "Susan and Ron, you need to get a television.  It's cheaper.")

Beth, who lives right next door.... with five boys (Yikes!!!), two cats, a chocolate lab named Maddy, and brother-in-law Marty who came in a package deal when she married his twin brother Mike.

Elizabeth Prock From the mouths of babes (or four year olds): "Woah, Mom! Go to your woom white now and sdave yow wegs!"

Christy lives ten minutes away and is a stay at home mom to two boys and two girls.  She and her dad are planning to back to dancing classes together in the fall.  Check out the link she posted.  You'll love it!
Christy Medeiros Dad, is this what we'll be learning in our merengue class?

Emily lives about an hour from us in Aurora and is married to another Mike.  This one didn't come with an identical twin brother, though.  She looks stunningly beautiful in her Salvation Army uniform which she dons every Sunday before heading out to church.

Emily Stewart-Moore was at the grocery store looking for Weight Watchers Bread when the only loaf to be found was in the possession of another couple. Upon asking them where they found the bread they replied, "Oh here, you take it. It's the last one and you need it more than we do."...Thanks! What the heck is that?! I'm on a diet again starting yesterday!

Abby posted this about a month before giving birth last week to our ninth grandson:
Abby Stewart has officially started using her belly as a snack table... and I feel super classy about it!

Andrew who is a relatively new family man is still chipping away at his student loans. This was posted immediately after selling his golf clubs on Kijiji.  Somebody got a deal!
Andrew Stewart ‎$400 less in debt. Sweet.

David has the purest heart of anyone I know.  I don't think he has ever told a lie (I'm not sure he could) and sarcasm is something that he is not 'get'  He says what he means and means what he says. He is an electrical engineer, doing his Master's studies this year and next at Queen's.

Davie Stewart To all friends on face book: If you are using "Places", DO NOT tag me. I do not necessarily want my whereabouts put on a public website for the whole world to see. Having my photos taken hours
earlier posted by random friends is bad enough. Thank you.

Dave Saunders Notice: Davie Stewart is now at the new earthling colony on Mars. This makes perfect sense as who else would they send to help colonize a planet through birthrate but a Stewart? (Sorry for publicly posting your whereabouts David)

Joel, 21, who has never been away even to summer camp, went off to college in Lindsay on Labour Day.  We tease him about having moved in with an older woman who cooks dinner for him every night.  Mind you, she's 89! :)  He is the only one of our kids to follow in their father's footsteps.  He is studying to be a surveyor like his Dad.
Joel Stewart wants you all to know that even if you don't think he misses you, he probably does...

Last, but not least is our princess, Jorie.  She is working in a factory this year while she contemplates her future and decides what she wants to settle down to do for the rest of her working life...

Jorie Stewart is thinking of putting bright pink streaks in her hair. I want to do it while I'm still young and can get away with it :P. Any comments? suggestions? etc..


Brenda B said…
I'm at work...trying to be careful not to be seen using my time unwisely by reading a blog... but I seriously couldn't stop myself from laughing OUT LOUD in the office! Oh dear.... may be my boss will think it was time well invested when she reads the post too!
Brenda said…
From the Aunt Brenda.....I'm SO proud of all my nieces and nephews! I love every one of them like my own.
Anonymous said…
I love your children, Susan
You invested your life well!
Brenda J. Wood

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