What If...

By Belinda

I leave for England on Monday, and have only two days left at work before being away for two weeks. I am staving off low level panic at the coming boundary over which there can be no leaping!

At the same time I have an opportunity to choose to be panicked or not, even though it might take some talking to myself to accomplish.

This makes me think of a thought provoking post at my friend Marilyn's blog, As Good a Day as Any. You can click here to read it. It was entitled "If," and challenge us to ask ourselves the question "What if...?"

Marilyn's post, and several other good ones in the blogosphere, was based on a blog post by Donald Miller,The single Most Powerful Question You Can Ask

So, I'm asking myself 5 What If questions as I prepare to leave after this weekend:

  • What if I figured out the most important things that are possible to do by Friday evening?
  • What if I didn't worry about the myriad of things that cannot get done?
  • What if I made a list so that I don't forget them and then schedule blocks of time to do them when I get back?
  • What if I don't give away that time too easily, without weighing what is most important, when I get back? 
  • What if I leave on time on Friday, and spend my last Friday night at home for two weeks, relaxing with my Paul?
"What if?" It would be lovely!

I think I've just talked myself into sanity. :)

What about you? What are your "what ifs?"


Julie said…
What if, like this post is called we had total dependance on God?

Then how would our day look, and how would our journey be different?

What if we could just give it all to Him

Praise God for Belinda and her openness to share her thoughts with us and how she bring us closer to you Lord. May she complete this week in a timely fashion, allow her time with You and her family before she begins her holiday. Have a Blessed holiday Belinda and Lord with you
Belinda said…
Oh, Julie thank you for that prayer of blessing.

I receive it, Lord. Amen!
Covnitkepr1 said…
Belinda, thanks for taking the time and loking over my blog. And thanks for the comment you left as well. Hope you have a safe trip. Also would like for you to consider following my blog...but only if you wish to.
Thanks for sharing.
Marilyn said…
I'm so complimented my post wheedled its way into your thoughts. Some people opted to choose one of their 5 "what-ifs" and move forward. If you are thinking of doing that, I vote for the last one on your list! :-)

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