Forgive My Ungenerous Heart

Tonight I am out of steam and my eyes feel as though they are ready to fall out of my head! Balancing the budget has that effect on me. :)

So...instead of writing, I would like to share a poem that inspires me to greater goodness whenever I read it. I have it copied out in one of my journals and it is by Hartwig Lohmann. I believe I found it on a Sunday School bulletin but it was over 25 years ago.

I so relate to the sentiments. Enjoy and be inspired too.

Dear God, forgive me!
Forgive my ungenerous heart.
It really isn't so hard,
to be nice to someone.
A friendly word;
a warm glance;
an understanding smile;
a word of thanks or "please."
Life isn't so much a matter of
life and death,
but rather of more generosity of
Life isn't so much a matter of
winning and losing--
but rather of being merciful.
Life isn't so much a matter of
giving things up,
but rather of giving more.
You give me everything O God,
but don't let me forget that
you love and give to others just as much.
Why then, when we are all your children,
do we still treat each other so harshly?
Liberate me, God, from my ungiving heart,
from my thoughtlessness and stinginess to others,
Liberate me from myself--
Liberate me for you--
Let my life be pleasing in your eyes, O Lord.

Hartwig Lohmann


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