New Years Eve 2009

By Belinda

The night is completely hushed; not a breath of wind, and so quiet that it seems the entire world is standing still for a while. Our property, and the fields, hills and woods behind it, are bathed in moonlight and fine snow falls like mist this New Year’s Eve.

Some celebrate with fireworks, toasts and parties, but I am happiest, as tonight, quietly reflecting in our country home, with Paul, who resolutely never celebrates New Years Eve, already sleeping soundly nearby.

Memories of the year gone by play like a movie in my mind: Emergency surgery in June taught me that absolutely nothing is carved in stone—not even airline tickets that have been bought and paid for, or a conference at which I was scheduled for many helping tasks. Life can change suddenly. The world carried on and instead of a conference, followed by a vacation in England, I experienced a gift I was not expecting: the gift helplessness. Friends and family visited me in hospital, bringing the gift of presence, flowers, and thirst quenching Popsicles. They put socks on my cold feet; sat with me and walked with me, and Brenda painted my toenails red. I will never forget either the love or many kindnesses shown during that unexpected detour on my journey.

Wanting to hold onto the peace that enveloped me during that time and the lessons learned, I finally loosened my grip on some roles and responsibilities and became less busy and scheduled; content to live more simply and quietly. I de-cluttered my life as well as my house and gained both mental and physical space.

I learned to rest one day each week and found that the peace of that day clung to me as a state of mind throughout the week.

I entered into a formal mentoring relationship with two younger women, and found the joy of listening to the dreams of another; encouraging; helping and cheering on.

Going forward I plan to read more diligently; enriching my soul. I especially want to systematically read the text books for the writing course that I started, but stopped because I felt overwhelmed. I want to finish it once I catch up on the reading.

I look forward to the lessons this year holds and to sharing the journey here.

Happy New Year everyone.

2 Peter 1:5-8 (Today's New International Version)
5 ...make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Joanna Mallory said…
Happy new year, Belinda. God blesses many of us through your gentle spirit.
Happy New Year, as a daily reader, thank you and the other writers of WHS for a year of inspiration, smiles and thoughtful reflection. You are a part of my daily routine, I am thankful for all of you. And to Paul - I'll bet I was snoring before you.
I truly loved this glance back and look forward, and the anticipation of what might come. Wonderful!
Suz said…
I felt at peace just reading your words. We all need to slow down and enjoy our lives. Sometimes, we need to be hit on the forehead with a 2 by 4 to get our attention.

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed New Year.
Olson Family said…
Belinda, my dear new-found friend,

Your gentle spirit, full of hope, full of love for Jesus and others continues to nurture my soul through your transparent living and sharing.

This particular post brought tears to my eyes (as so many of your posts). God is dealing with me on my control issues and reading your helplessness-as-a-gift... Well, I can relate. To learn the grace of LEANING. Precious.

Thank you for opening your heart and pouring out encouragement.

May God bless you richly this coming year.
Belinda said…
A truly humble thank you to all for your kind comments; on behalf of Susan, Meg too.

We treasure you equally and are honoured that you choose to spend precious moments from your day with us.
Brave Raven said…
Only a true lover of words would choose the word "resolutely" to describe someone's indifference for New Year's. Beautiful and subtle use of oxymoron. (With a pinch of irony)!
Belinda said…
Ah, Brave Raven, I wish that I had done it on purpose! :) Perhaps it was a sub conscious wit--the only kind I possess I am afraid! You are more clever than I to notice it.

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