Riding the Bulldozer

"But from everlasting to everlasting, the Lord's love is with them who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children - with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts." Psalm 103:17,18

I've watched the landscape change over the past few weeks on a piece of land south of Tottenham. First the surveyors came in with their instruments and planted little florescent orange flags here and there. Then little black fences were built around the entire quarter section of rolling farmland to contain the silt that would soon be stirred up. Then the equipment moved in and huge yellow machines -bulldozers and earthmovers - tore out all kinds of trees, removed entire hills and created great swales. One day there were farm fields with some very hilly sections, and just a few weeks later, there is a gently rolling landscape laid out like a brown earth blanket and ready to have an entire subdivision laid out on it.

I couldn't believe how much work those monstrous machines could accomplish, and in how short a time. I thought about what a different perspective the driver of that machine would have from someone who might be on the ground and in the way.

And I thought about how God's kingdom is kind of like that.

He moves through history rearranging the landscape and accomplishing his purposes. We have a choice. We can get on that bulldozer with him and join him in his work, or we can be crushed in the maelstrom as he moves forward anyway, with us or without us.

I'd rather be with him...

"The way of the Lord is a stronghold to the upright, but ruin to the workers of iniquity." Proverbs 10:29


Belinda said…
Me too. Rather be with him, that is!
Deidra said…
I hear you! I want to be with Him!

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