Give Thanks to God

Among the loose, precious pieces of paper between the pages of my Bible is an ivory page, bearing the familiar embellished handwriting of my friend Frances. It is an arrangement based on Psalm 136 that she wrote and sang a few years ago, to the tune of She Moved Through the Fair--a beautiful Celtic song. Frances's voice is perfect for Celtic folk music, and I've never forgotten how lovely it sounded. All I can do to help you experience it is to type out the words and add two video clips. One is of DadGad playing the tune on an acoustic guitar. It is incredibly beautiful. The other is of Sinead O'Connor singing the song in 1997. You might be able to imagine how the words might fit with a bit of finagling! :) I hope you enjoy it all--the words and the music.

Give thanks to God for He is good
His love endures forever
Give thanks to him the God of Gods
His love endures forever
Give thanks to Him who is Lord of Lords
His love endures forever

Give thanks to Him who does great things
Who skillfully made the heavens--
And who placed earth upon the sea
His love endures forever

Give thanks to Him who made heavenly lights
His love endures forever
And made the sun to rule the day
His love endures forever
The moon and stars to rule the night
His love endures forever

Give thanks to Him who parts the seas
And leads Israel safely through
But throws Pharaoh into the sea
His love endures forever

He saves us from our enemies
His love endures forever
He breathes life into all living things
His love endures forever
Thank Him who is the great I AM
His love endures forever


Marilyn said…
I love both the Psalm and that song. Meshing the two together is great. Thanks for sharing the memory, typing the words and finding these clips as well. I have a feeling I'll be humming this all day long and substituting the words of the psalm.
Susan said…
I well remember when Frances sang this at church. It was electrifying. I get goosebumps again just remembering how God's presence settled over us and rose up in us...

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