A Prayer for Christmas

John 17:21 (New International Version)
21that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

I'm praying a Christmas Eve prayer for all of us today.

It's a simple prayer. I pray that we will lay down our expectations of what Christmas should be and just look for ways to serve and love; to be gentle and forbearing.

The season builds to a great crescendo of hopes and dreams. By the time Christmas Eve arrives we may already be unravelling or hanging by a thread, weary and worn out. In our minds dance visions, not of sugarplums, but of the Christmas we want to have, the Christmas we are promised in magazines articles or read about in books.

The reality is that we will be disappointed if we set our hearts on that kind of Christmas. People are messy and uncooperative. We are messy and uncooperative. Illness strikes fatigued bodies, tempers are frayed, people drink too much, spend too much, eat too much and say things that hurt.

But if we ask for "God eyes" and "God hearts," and just set about loving and giving because that is what he came to do, we cannot be disappointed. And if we lay down our expectations, we may be surprised by "unexpected" blessings.

Happy, holy, Christmas Eve!

John 17:18 (New International Version)
18As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.


A wonderful and wise prayer, enjoy the Christmas you have don't wish for the Christmas that no one has ... We prepared in little ways for the big day and then in big ways we benefit from the small moments. Christmas is lovely in contrasts.
Anonymous said…
Dear Belinda,
I think this is perfectly the prayer we need, so I will pray the same today. :)
I would love to make the gingerbread boys today with my sister... Very Un-Christmas Eve-y, but should be fun, if we get to do it. :)
Thank you and
Merry Christmas Eve. :)
Night Owl
Anonymous said…
I meant to say, if we don't end up making the gingyboys, I wouldn't mind that either. :)
Belinda said…
I love you, dear friends. I love "anticipating together" on this holy day; anticipating the wonder, the miracle; of God With Us--Emmanuel.

We are as pregnant as Mary was, with the possibilities of Christ in us.

And Night Owl, I don't know if you meant to say "Gingyboys," but I like it! Gingyboys it is from now on! :)
Susan said…
Gingyboys indeed!

God bless us every one!!!

Merry Christmas, WHS family!

Love, Susan.

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