A Note from Write! Canada 2008

Belinda - welcoming first-time participants to Write! Canada 2008
Dear Friends,
She postively glowed as she took her place at the microphone. Her passion for writing, for encouraging others in their calling, and for ministering "belonging" to people, began to flow.
"I want to welcome you!" she said. There was no doubt as to her sincerity.
A little later in her talk...
"I am an encourager. That's what I love to do. So if you need any encouragement this weekend, come and see me. I'll give you some! It's what I do best..." Her joyful enthusiasm erupted into laughter and rippled across the room as other joined her. Any ice in the room, at that point, was instantly melted.
My mind is so full of all that God is saying and doing! So much so that I can't sit and force myself to concentrate on the very thing I came here to focus on this weekend - writing. But I did want to share this snapshot of the conference with you. I'm SURE Belinda will have more to share in the coming days. If not directly about the conference, you're sure to see the fruit of it as she moves forward in this aspect of God's calling on her life.
Special blessing are sent to those who would have loved to be here but couldn't make it. We're bringing home C.D.'s!
Blessings all! Susan.


Belinda said…
Susan omitted to mention that on the evaluation forms, one person said that the part they enjoyed most was her testimony, where she shared how coming to this conference, Write! Canada, 8 years ago for the first time, has impacted her life. She added pizzaz and joy to the welcome to other writers.
Joyful Fox said…

Thanks for the tribute to Belinda!

Interesting she speaks of herself as an encourager! She certainly is. She would be a great one to welcome first-time participants and to minister belonging. That's what is so dear about o¨r Belinda.

Way to go Susan and way to go Belinda. We look forward to hearing all the little gold nuggets you bring back. I know you'll learn tons!

Love to you both in Guelph!
Belinda said…
Love right back to you Joyful, and Ang, and all our friends at home! What a wonderful time we are having; Bonnie too.

I have ordered the CD's of the sessions I was at, and will share!

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