A Time to Laugh and a Time to Sleep...

Well, Belinda darted into the Alvechurch library today, grabbed a few moments at a community computer and has managed to send us a few enigmatic messages via the comments left on the previous few days - just before the library closed for the day.

Yes, Belinda, I'm keeping the ritual going. :o)

Today I wonder if everyone else is as tired as I am. I fed an army of 20 today. Seven of them were our own progeny (three sons and four daughters), three sons-in-law who married into the clan, one shy boy-friend who seems very nice, 7 grandchildren, a Bichon-Friese grand-dog named Frasier, a lovebird named B.J. and several electric trains (who Andrew - our own CP Rail conductor - feels as passionately enough about that he would expect us to consider them as grandchildren, I'm sure!) We cooked a 36 pound turkey, peeled ten pounds of potatoes, plus several pounds of sweet potatoes. We made four loaves of bread into stuffing and put into it a good five pounds of peeled and chopped onions along with an entire pound of butter and copious amounts of sage and thyme. Christy brought cabbage salad and squash. We also demolished several pies, mountains of whipping cream and ice cream, and had a birthday cake besides. Whew! What a day! Oh, did I mention someone forgot to buy paper plates? (Argghhh!)

So tonight I need to laugh. To laugh and then to rest. Check out this video with me on u-tube and you'll be laughing too. Whether you're a mother or you ever had a mother, it's bound to ring true! These lyrics were written by Anita Renfroe (a mom who is Christian) and performed by her to a symphonic rendition of The William Tell Overture. (That's the Lone Ranger's action song for all you western "B" movie afficianados.)


Blessings everyone and Happy Thanksgiving. This is one tired substitute poster checking out! Over and out.


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