A Faith Lift

"But without faith it is impossible to please God..." Hebrews 11:6

Today my friend Eline called me with the most amazing news and I just had to share it with everyone.

The journey begins with a teal colored sedan Eline and her husband have owned since coming to Canada. It has been faithful, taken them from point A to point B. But as time went on it has become more reluctant, had more problems and started to cost much more money than it was worth. Their mechanic eventually said "I don't mean to insult you, but this car is not worth spending more money on." So they have been praying.

As Eline gets in her car to drive her daughter to school, she can see the black smoke belching out of the exhaust. The car chugs along, but it's only a matter of time. It's become a matter of health and safety. So they pray, trusting God that though there isn't the money for another car, that He will provide. He is Jehovah Jirah and He has never failed them.

When we get together to pray on Saturday she speaks to us of God's goodness, His faithfulness and laughs about the state of their car. She prays and confesses His goodness and we pray for their need.

Move ahead now to Wednesday.
Eline has gone out to a bridal shower. At 9:30pm she chugs home and when she reaches her driveway there is a black Ford Focus parked there. She goes in the house to see who is visiting and finds out that no one is. When she tells her husband he suggests that someone else parked it there while they visit a neighbour and they should move it to the road. The keys are in it so Pascal backs it out of the drive and parks it at the side of the road. They leave it there until 10:30pm and no one comes to it, so Eline says "Let's check the ownership and see who it belongs to". As they go to it, Pascal says "It's got ribbons inside it". And as they look into the driver's side they see two envelopes. They look inside and find the ownership, in their name, and a card saying that this is a blessing from the Lord to them. A 2002 Focus in mint condition with spare snow tires in the trunk. All the bases have been covered. No signature on the card, just an unbelievable blessing from the Lord.

"What time did you go to sleep" I asked her. "Not 'till 2am" she replied. "We went in the house and rejoiced and thanked the Lord, and then we went for a drive. Then we got home and stayed up more and went to bed by 2am.

God is faithful! And Eline professed His faithfulness before the fruit was ever there for the eye to see.

"Glory to God, my sister" she proclaims, "All the glory goes to God".

"Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen"
Hebrews 11:1


Anonymous said…
God is faithful and let us Praise Him. The problem with us is we only see God in Big Things, yet He is there with us in everything. Thank you for sharing, It has made me feel even more aware of God's goodness when we think he aint there, especially now when life is so difficult for some of us. Thank you, Thank you, it shows me that there are strong christians around who truly follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Thank God for that person. I pray the Lord will show you who it is in His time.
Richard Bowers said…
OK, everybody singing!
Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz. My friends all have Porsches, I must make amends!
Great story Angcat. I'm a sucker for happy endings.

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