
Lord, your love is evident everywhere I look,
When you were making this fair earth,
What tender care you took!
You could have made the birds talk,
As plain as plain could be,
But joyous cheerful melodies,
Ring from tree to tree.
The sky so blue above us,
Your love did hang in place,
Without earth's special atmosphere,
We'd stare right into space.
In every sight, in every sound--
Your love is there--outpoured.
Oh, how I want to thank you,
My great Creator, Lord.

Belinda, 1980


Leslie said…
This reminds me of my friend from the early 80's. She was a writer like you and very contemplative. I think we all need to be more intentional to consider all that God has done and be thankful!
Belinda said…
Oh, Leslie, I am glad it brought back memories of your friend. Yes, there is so much all around us to wonder and be amazed at. It's good to stop, stare and appreciate it all!

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