This Writer's Prayer

Creator of all art--consummate and eternal artist and source of all creativity

You communicate through beauty; song; music; words on a page; paint on canvas--and innumerable other forms of art.

Your Spirit in me continues that creation--a stream from the source. 

You choose human fingers, eyes, voices and minds to carry on your work; entrusting it to trembling hands and lips and flawed hearts, risking dangerously when you do so.

Thank you for calling me to engage with you in the work of creativity--to partner in showcasing your beauty, truth and faithfulness. 

Use me; remove any barriers to the flow of your Spirit and creativity; break any chains holding me back from the fullness of your purpose. Free me! Release me! 

Let me be soft and tender in your hands.


Anonymous said…
Lovely prayer.

I have spent the past month struggling with details of the end of Book 1 of Pride's Children because the moral underpinnings have to be right - without being preachy.

I hope I was meant to write it.

Belinda said…
I look forward to reading more about your book on your blog Alicia. Thank you for your generosity in sharing writing resources and free short stories! :)
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Belinda - and the struggling was, finally, resolved this morning as I finished the tough scene that is the first of the end. I'm almost afraid to go in there and proof it. I'm grateful. Your prayer inspired me.

Just remember I am a very odd duck, and my advice about writing is basically what works for me - I'm not sure I would encourage other people to be so controlling!

Sharing is fun.


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