
It happens every now and then; getting lost; and I need to find my bearings again, the true and sure things, including my best "me," which sometimes goes missing in action.

I need to find home, that place of retreat and security, where I know and am known. Home safe.

I pick up my pen and write. A heart can pour through pen to page and in doing so find such sweet relief.

I quiet my restless soul and sit silent.

I read.

I read the words I need to soak me; to soften me; to move my heart back to kindness, gentleness and humility.

I close my eyes to listen better--just in case God might have something to say. He sometimes speaks against the background tick of clock, whirring chimes and the hum of a house.

I hear a welcome. Welcome home.

And I am grateful; to be enfolded in the grace that only waits for an open heart.


Brave Raven said…
Being still and knowing. I need this today.
Belinda said…
Dear Brave Raven, Don't we all. Thank you for reading and letting me know that something here met a need.
all I can say is amen
Belinda said…
And again I say Amen, Dave.
Cindy said…
In response to Dave and you, I love what I understand to be the meaning of Amen - "May it be so, may it be done".
Belinda said…
Cindy, thanks for popping into the conversation. It is so nice to know you are there! :) Yes, sometimes Amen is the perfect word to sum up what you want to express! :)

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