What Really Matters

By Belinda

I drive snow covered roads under the blanket of night. Up hill and down; a roller coaster country road slicing through fields waiting, hushed and cold, for spring.

Light twinkles from distant windows; from farmhouses dotted in the dark fields. 

The village I call home is a cluster of light in the darkness and I think that fifty years from now, most of us; and a hundred years from now, certainly all of  us; will be gone. And this land, this village will be inhabited by people completely different, just as one hundred years ago it was also so.

It makes me think of what really matters. It isn't houses, furniture or any of the stuff we sweat our lives away to buy or dust and tidy!

The only thing that really matters is the way our lives touch the lives of others in the endless chain of connection that forms the river of life.

Do we touch lives at all? Because that matters. Do we touch with kindness and gentleness, humour and grace? 

Is our touch infused with the fragrance of the Pierced One? That matters even more.


Anonymous said…
So true Belinda. We do get caught up with "stuff" - which is just hay and stubble. We need to view things eternally. We can make all the plans we want - but we do not know which day our soul will be required of God.

A true story. A relative of mine, who struggled with self-worth a bit, didn't have people over. First - she didn't have a house. When she had a house, she didn't have decent furniture. When she had decent furniture, she didn't have rugs (which was a sign of wealth, bare floors a sign of want). Once the floors were covered, she didn't have a place for people to dine. When she had a dinning room set, she didn't have nice dishes. Once she had the nice dishes she needed glasses, linens and cutlery before having people over. By the time she obtained these items over many years, she was too tired - to overwhelmed to entertain. The decorated home saw few gatherings. For the problem was not the attainment of the things perceived as lacking, it was the attitude of the heart. It was only a few years later that she moved into a minimum care facility - and had to give away or sell most of the items. The rugs were torn up by the relator, the decorative items (wallpaper, etc.) were torn down. The relative moved on to a new place, which, she claims, is too small to entertain.

Sad. God help us to use what He has given to us now to do what He wants us to do now.

Thanks for the reminder.
Susan said…
What was that quote you posted on FB that Paul wrote down?...

"Life is not measured in time, but in love, and making a contribution..." (Carly Fiorina, I think.)
Belinda said…
Oh, Anonymous, what a parable your friend's life is. Wow.

My heart was being pricked about being so busy every Saturday with cleaning and shopping and laundry etc.etc. that I put off going to my grandchildren's hockey games. I was so talking to myself and my drive home reminded me of what really matters!

Our house is filled with people frequently as I love to create a place of hospitality, but there are 3 small hockey players whom I have neglected. Our weaknesses show in different ways, but I am guilty of the same folly as your friend, I think. No more excuses--to the rink I go!
Belinda said…
Susan, yes! That quote is so appropriate here. Thanks for reminding me of it. :)

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