The Canadian Blog Awards Round 2 Begins!

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to check out the
Canadian Blog Awards and place a vote! To my excitement, Dave, friend and encouraging writer friend, who writes a blog I never miss reading daily,  Rolling Around In My Head, made it into round two in two categories: Best Personal Blog and Best Health Blog. Your vote counts--please vote again for this excellent blog, which challenges me, makes me laugh, makes me sigh and sometimes cry.

Also, Whatever He Says made it to Round Two too, in the Best Religious Blog Category. Here is where you can't go wrong however you choose to cast your vote. The competing blog is excellent and is in my sidebar in fact, as a blog I read. I can't tell you how to vote but I hope you do!

Thank you for joining in the fun. You get one vote in each category and the voting ends on December 1st!


Tracy Campbell said…
I might be missing something, but is the voting now for the second round?
Tracy :)
Belinda said…
Hi Tracy, Yes, it is. It is a bit confusing. Sorry!

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