Sigh of relief

Intro by Belinda

I'm smiling at the unexpected blessings God is sending my way since I decided to "wait;" like this guest post from author and speaker, Brenda J. Wood, of Heartfelt Devotionals, in the green in this photo. She is a member of our writers group, the Writers Nest, which met yesterday evening at my place, and this was Brenda's contribution to our topic, "The Empty Nest." Her quirky humour always makes me laugh out loud! Photos by yours truly, with those snapped of me being captured by Vena's fascinating story; taken by Susan Stewart! :)

By Brenda J. Wood

“Finally,” I moaned to myself with a slight speck of delight, “It’s over. They’ve left. I’m free.

I poured every bit of energy I had into tonight’s family reunion. I am as empty as the house now, but I can finally put my feet up and relax, at least until next time.

That’s not to say I don’t enjoy their company, because I do, but it is so much work. I’ve spent hours over the years trying to train them in both word and deed. I’ve pointed them to proper foods and delicate manners. I’ve tutored them in the fine details of the alphabet and the gentle art of conversation while we sparred over the dinner table. Thankfully, one or two sometimes cooked something. That did cut down on the stress. Unfortunately, no one ever seemed able to run the vacuum or do the laundry but me.

Once in a while they flutter out on their own, but they eventually return to the comfort and safety of the home nest for the monthly family reunions. I encourage them, they encourage me and we generally pray for one another. That’s something else I insist on because the family that prays together stays together.

Again tonight I discharged them with a clear heart because as always, I sincerely gave them everything I had in me. We conferred, I offered friendly advice. Others chipped in their two cents worth. We really do pride ourselves on telling each other the truth.

Sadly, some members couldn’t be here this evening but it is a privilege to watch them spread their wings. Tonight’s reunion found one in Africa, another in the USA and who knows where the other three are. 

Several in our family turned out to be pretty good writers. I think they got it from me. Our little family sports everything from bloggers, and book authors, to artists and devotional and newspaper columnists. Will they ever support themselves with their scribbles? God only knows.

Still, I’ve done all I can for this month and now it’s time to put my feet up and eat the rest of the trifle.  Eating leftovers is one of the perks of holding The Writers Nest in my home. Sigh!!!


Susan Starrett said…
Thanks for this! And thank you for The Nest and giving this fledgling the opportunity to spread her wings.
Susan L.
Belinda said…
Susan, you are so gifted in word and art that I am in awe at your talents. I'm so happy you are in The Nest! :)
Anonymous said…
Magnificent! (As usual. :-P )
Tracy Campbell said…
Brenda, did such a great job of capturing our warm and cozy writer's nest. Loved it. :)
Belinda said…
Tracy, you are so right!

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