All About Perspective

By Belinda

The way we look at things is so powerful. And here is something I've been pondering lately as an attitude check.

What if that difficult situation that just unfolded at the end of a work week supposed to be over already, was a question on an interview for the job I have? How would I answer the question?

I do a lot of interviewing as part of my job, so I get to watch people rise to the challenge of questions all the time.

I always admire quick thinkers because I am not one! The energy of some people amazes me, and the depth of character that sometimes shines out. I love it.

It's normal for people to come primed and pumped. Occasionally though, I may meet someone again a few months down the road and the excitement and energy is not as high. The person seems to have lost their "zing;" petered out of passion.

I don't want to be like that. I don't want to encounter a difficulty and say, "I can't do that!" or worse, "I won't." I want to remember that there is a long line of people who would love to be in my shoes right now and be grateful to have such a job; such a challenge; such an opportunity.

Just thinking that thought is a mental bootstrap lifter--an attitude checker--a gratitude pill. We all need them sometimes. It's all about perspective.


Bren said…
Love this Mom! I've been having a "TOO BUSY" week and needed a reminder to be positive and rise to the occassion! I'm changing the way I think today!
Belinda said…
Bren, I love you!
Brenda said…
Hey Brenda......I could not figure out who posted this comment for me because I don't know anyone in this world who goes by the name Bren except me, of course! Then I figured it out. You're so blessed to have Belinda as your mother.....but I guess you know that already. Congratulations on your engagement. Can't wait to hear all about the wedding and see photos!
Belinda said…
:) Brenda is my mother-in-law's name too--in fact Brenda is named after her. There's a lot in the name--quick, enthusiastic and fiery--swordlike! "My" Bren's name fits her perfectly, although she has sometimes given us a hard time for calling her Brenda. :)
Brenda said…
Quick....enthusiastic.....fiery....I could never figure out why I was given my name. But now I am slowly growing into it.

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