The Practice Pies

By Belinda

I had the idea a few days ago. Instead of buying a gift for their teachers at the end of the school year, I asked Tippy and Tori if they would like to give their teachers each a pie baked entirely by them. Their eyes danced "Yes!"

Of course first there would be the baking of practice pies.

"When??" they wanted to know!

So we planned the practice for the very next evening--why wait?

I was home for only a few minutes and preparing a quick bite to eat when I heard their footsteps on the stairs. They had not forgotten!

I explained that three kinds of apples go into the pies and in what proportions and then first began the pastry making, involving measuring, cracking eggs, the explanation of so many things that I do automatically but found myself struggling to articulate.

I sounded like a stranger to the English language as I demonstrated, explained, coached and encouraged. They didn't seem to mind my inadequacy as a teacher.

They did remarkably well. It was hard work: measuring ingredients; making pastry; peeling and slicing a pile of apples; learning the art of rolling out pastry.

By the end, Tori was flagging visibly. I recognised the same exhaustion on her face that I saw when I taught her to knit and she had had enough. But she persevered and didn't give up.

I could tell by the feel of the pastry that it was excellent. I was amazed at how well they did and poured on the well deserved praise.

Tippy surprised me with her gracious response, "We had a good teacher." Oh, she is growing up and growing kind.:)

Tori's pie is above and Tippy's pie on the right. The pies are as flaky as the best pie I have baked!

I told the girls they too good to be called practice pies.
They were justifiably proud of their beautiful pies. My legacy is in good hands!


3 different types of apples!!! so this is the holy trinity of pies. these will feed body AND spirit. 3 different types of pies!!! Belinda I had no idea that your pies were so ... um ... scientific ...
Susan said…
Delightful! The photos are outstanding. You (with Tippy and Torie's help) can now write a "how to bake an apple pie" book for kids. (Well, truth be told, I might buy one for myself!)

Way to go, Tip and Tor! I hope there's a taste left on Thurs night! :)
Belinda said…
Granny Smiths for a bit of tang; Ida Red or Spy for softer sweetness--and Pink Lady because Brian, Frances's husband, donated a third bushel of those premium eating apples from the Ontario Food Terminal where he is a buyer! I put those in because of the love they were given with. :)
Brave Raven said…
Heartwarming! The apple [pie] doesn't fall far from the tree!! I would buy the book too. My pie making skills are so hopeless that it may require a video!!
Belinda said…
Dear Miss Brave Raven. A video would require my inarticulate burblings to be broadcast to the world! I cannot even write them so I think the book idea may be out too. :)I require heavily on the theory of osmosis or telepathic communication to aid me as I attempt to teach--but the results were astounding. Who knew? :)
Susan said…
There ya go, Belinda. Your next fundraising efforts could end up to be a lot less work! Instead of doing all the baking yourself, get people to PAY to watch you and learn how to do it themselves.

That's brilliant, if I do say so myself... :)
Susan said…
P.S. I happen to know someone who would happily ghost write for you who is pretty good at breaking things down into logical steps and communicating processes to other people in writing... (You can pay me in pies.)
Belinda said…
Susan you have more faith in my ability to communicate than I do! :) But I would happily give it a try!
Dolores Ayotte said…
What a wonderful memory and legacy you have given your granddaughters. (I'm thinking that who Tippy and Tori are) I loved the pictures! It looks like you all had a great time and the pies look delicious!
Belinda said…
Hi Dolores,
Yes, Tippy (Tiffany-Amber) and Tori (Victoria Paige) are two of my four precious granddaughters--the two who live downstairs in an apartment in our home. Thank you for reminding me that I need to find some way of "introducing them" when I write so that people don't have to guess. I'm thinking a little schema at the side of the blog, with identifying the relationships of frequently appearing people! :)

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