The theme for Write! Canada 2011

The theme for Write! Canada 2011

Check out the inspiring theme for Write Canada this year. I love the video clip chosen as the inspiration!


Susan said…
Fantastic! I love it!

Today the world tried to change me. Tomorrow I think I'll do my best change that around the other way around!
Deidra said…
Ah, yes. Changing the world with words. Makes me think of The Word. :)
Belinda said…
You go sisters! Together with God, we can change the world--one day at a time.
Unfortunately, I don't think we CAN change the world. I think the source of apathy in so much of society is due to the fact that the problems are so big and, in reality, we are so small. I think the trick is to try to change 'my world' to have an effect on the space around us. Helen Keller said ... I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do. I have found this quote to be immensely motivating as it reflects accurately the fact that my reach my not be far does not lessen my responsibility one whit. All that being said, I loved the song and may borrow it for my blog if my cold continues unabated another day.
Belinda said…
Dave, thank you for sharing Helen Keller's quote again. It needs to be shared over and over again. So true and put more realistically, although I do think that the essence of the messages are not far apart. To change our world is to change "the world" because any shift invariably causes a shift that resonates around the world.

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