Plus God, Minus Fear, Times Faith, Divided by None
Credit for the title of this post goes to my friend Dave who suggested it in a comment on yesterday's post. Thanks Dave! By Belinda *From each according to his ability; to each according to his need. We live moments sometimes that seem incredibly precious; as if God distilled sweetness and purpose and infused them into seconds that stretch into minutes that unfold with special significance. Such moments spanned the pancakes on Saturday morning as we passed the butter and maple syrup and I poured another cup of rich amber coffee. It happened to be a Saturday that our two granddaughters who live downstairs were home, which is why the pancakes instead of our usual porridge. They are on the cusp of young womanhood, these girls. Tori: a spunky but sensitive, witty and bright bookworm, almost 12 years old, and Tippy: a dreamy, emotional, gifted artist with the moodiness of the ocean and an almost 13 year old, which are almost the same thing. Over br...