Reading T Shirts

By Belinda

Our friends and house guests had left for a day of sight seeing, saying that they would be home late, but in time for supper. I had a much needed "catch up day!"

I love people, but I need solitude and thinking time like a tire needs air, so I politely declined their kind invitation to join them and they politely understood that I would go a little loopy if I went along.

Over a cup of coffee I scanned the advertising flyers from the local newspaper and left the house armed with a list and a coupon. I didn't have many things to get; my shopping would be strategic. Paul had called to say he'd be home in the late afternoon, and after three weeks with him away, I wanted to be home when he arrived.

After popping into Canadian Tire and getting one or two things on sale, my next stop was Sobey's, the grocery store. I had only two items on my list there--beef tenderloin (half price,) and Kraft Peanut butter--two for $5.00.

It was Saturday, and there were some good sale items so the store was busy. I headed for the express check out with my three items. There were a lot of people with the same idea as the long line of basket toting shoppers stretched way back into the store. I wondered if it would have been quicker to go through a regular check out, but reminded myself of the Law of the Supermarket; the "other line" always seems quicker.

I stood behind a short middle aged man in faded blue jeans and white T shirt and because I was too far from the magazine rack to read the latest headlines about how to lose 10 pounds in one week while eating cake and cookies, I looked at him. I noticed his longish hair, curling at the edges, dark, but graying. He stood, rocking on his heels, muscular arms folded. The T shirt had writing on it--familiar words. I resisted the urge to tap him on the shoulder and say, "Hey, I like your T shirt."

This is what it said:

...Through His strength
       for His glory...
          1 Peter 4:11 

I stood in line and meditated on the T shirt and felt God's presence. Having been busy with work during the day and friends during the evening and weekend, and Paul away, my time with God has been short. But it felt like God came down and put himself right in front of me in the grocery line up where I had a few moments of enforced stillness.

And then, as if to add a little humour to the moment, I noticed the T shirt of the next man ahead of the first one. It had writing too. It was meant to be advertising a business, but it meant something different to me in spiritual terms. It said:

New Name  New Look
New Branches  New Products
Same Guarantee

And the website? Well, what else would you expect from the King? :) 


OKOKOK, I like the whole post! But I have to ask ... you went to a grocery store with three things on the list and just bought those three things. I have never done that in my life. I go in with a list of three and come out a hundred dollars later. You, my dear, are too discipled for words. I am in awe.
Susan said…
I wonder if anyone else is curious enough to go to the website on the guy's t-shirt. Well, I am. It's a plumbing supplier. We're doing two bathroom renovations right now and one of the things which has been impossible to find is a 42 inch shower base with a seat. Well, guess what I just found?

Thanks for sharing your grocery store devotions with us. I'm happy!
Belinda said…
Dave, I know, I know! Me too. On Saturday I was just so focused on Paul coming home and getting back in time that I do believe I stuck to it. :)

And Susan--I am so happy that you found what you needed through that guy's website. How great is that?
Jan said…
Grocery lines are great times to pray, to ponder about God. So are stop lights, phones when you are put on hold and any other man made interruptions. Don't fret - praise God, pray and find His peace.
Susan said…
Hmmm that could land me in some hot water. Apparently I like to remember things a little differently than most everyone ese! Wait a minute. I'm not the only one who does that... :)

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